[Openstack-track-chairs] Track Chair Feedback
Robert G Clark
robclark at uk.ibm.com
Fri Aug 26 10:35:50 UTC 2016
Generally speaking as a track chair my experience has been the same as
described below, we've used spreadsheets to try to balance opinion and
shape things appropriately.
When I was at HP we had a massive internal conference, each submission is
reviewed by four people, who score it according to various requirements.
Each reviewer is also required to write a paragraph of feedback for each
paper, there's regularly thousands of submissions for this conference and
it would basically take a week of effort from every reviewer to deal with
their load. Reviewers were broken into groups and divisions, each with
their own leaders who dedicated even more time to the project. Abstracts
are also typically 2-3 pages of varying quality academic content.
It's an awesome conference that I always enjoyed being a part of, however
I imagine there must have been at least 50 reviewers and 15 or so group
chairs etc, each putting in at least a working week of effort which makes
a conservative estimate of the effort involved around 2535 man hours
(65*38) - I don't think that the OpenStack community could sustain similar
levels of effort every 6 months. At the moment I'm guessing being a track
chair on Security, a smaller track, takes up maybe 10-15 hours of my time
- read through all the submissions a couple of times, score them, do
background reading, stack-rank, discuss with other track chairs, reach out
to authors etc.
The process of putting together a track is additive, we are not rejecting
talks because they're bad necessarily, they just didn't fit into the
overall delivery of a compelling, well balanced track. I think the
OpenStack community, TC, Summit organizers and Track Chairs are actually
doing a pretty good job. The tool is much enhanced over previous years and
I'm sure it'll continue to be improved.
From: Nick Chase <nchase at mirantis.com>
To: Matt Fischer <matt at mattfischer.com>
Cc: "openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org"
<openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org>
Date: 25/08/2016 21:45
Subject: Re: [Openstack-track-chairs] Track Chair Feedback
On 8/25/2016 4:28 PM, Matt Fischer wrote:
I hope that the track chairs were not only selected on the basis of
technical knowledge but on their integrity and of putting the summit &
community ahead of company goals. I also think that the foundation has
done a good job ensuring that different communities and companies are
chosen, which hopefully avoids the ability of one company to push their
talks over others. For me, I will never push a team talk unless the other
track chairs have it under consideration, and if they do I'm happy to
provide honest feedback on it. I hope fellow track chairs will concur with
Opening up a requirement that track chairs have to justify why they chose
one talk over another will only foster further argument, it won't resolve
anything. It's also untenable when rejecting 200 talks to justify the
ranking of each one. And regardless of what you do and whether you justify
your reasons or not, many good talks were not picked, and some feelings
were probably hurt.
I'm not suggesting that we explain why talks were rejected, just why they
Feelings are always going to be hurt. I've already gotten 3 phone calls
from dejected colleagues who got their "sorry, no thanks" letter and I've
had to tell them, "Look, you're in good company." Hell, I didn't get in
either. :)
But while we've definitely been improving in the "transparency"
department, I think it wouldn't be a bad thing to go further.
---- Nick
On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 4:13 PM, Nick Chase <nchase at mirantis.com> wrote:
Well, when we were working on our track (both this time and for Austin)
what we did was break it down into sections (for example, we might have 3
talks on "DevOps") and then try to choose a talk from each section. In
some cases, we had to choose between similar talks, and discuss what our
rationale was; it wouldn't be a bad thing to provide a place for track
chairs to explain their choices. It would even provide a way for
submitters to improve their submissions for next time.
---- Nick
On 8/25/2016 3:50 PM, Shilla Saebi wrote:
I think we should come up with a way for track chairs who have to make
selections on talks that were submitted by members of their own company or
team to be fair. I noticed a few talks go through where the track chairs
worked for the same company as the talks that were selected, and other
talks with more complete abstracts (in my opinion) and a more diverse set
of speakers, was not selected.
On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 2:18 PM, Nathan C Ziemann <ziemann at us.ibm.com>
+1 on export.
We wrapped up our final selections using a spreadsheet which makes it easy
to evaluate multiple criteria and chair votes/comments in one view.
Nate Ziemann
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 25, 2016, at 9:54 AM, Nick Chase <nchase at mirantis.com> wrote:
Actually the last two summits tracks I've worked with have finished up in
spreadsheets, where we've organized submissions by topic and marked off
who voted for each. It really made the final processing easier.
I'd love to see a simple "export" function so we don't wind up doing it by
---- Nick
On Thursday, August 25, 2016, Amrith Kumar <amrith at tesora.com> wrote:
On the whole, I think the process and the tool were fine, there were some
hiccups that you have already identified.
I found the user interface (specifically the two pane format and the
sizing requirement) to be a little troublesome. Eventually I just grabbed
the json off the interface and populated a spreadsheet and that worked out
much easier.
Why was that?
I wanted to tag each of the 93 talks with a bunch of tags that I found to
be useful, things like the names of the projects covered, sales-pitch,
customer-story, performance, … and so on, and later filter talks based on
those tags.
So, if the next iteration of the tool had a way in which each chair could
tag talks using an arbitrary (private) set of tags, that would be nifty.
From: Kunzmann, Gerald [mailto:kunzmann at docomolab-euro.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2016 3:22 AM
To: openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [Openstack-track-chairs] Track Chair Feedback
+1 nice tool.
Would be great to have a sort function e.g. by “community vote”.
From: Travis McPeak [mailto:travis.mcpeak at gmail.com]
Sent: Donnerstag, 25. August 2016 02:02
To: Christopher Aedo <doc at aedo.net>;
openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [Openstack-track-chairs] Track Chair Feedback
+1 great tool and easy process overall.
On Wed, Aug 24, 2016, 4:47 PM Christopher Aedo <doc at aedo.net> wrote:
Thank you for all the hard work you've put into this tool (and all the
other OpenStack bits you're always improving.) This was my second
time around and I thought the tool worked great - looking forward to
seeing even more improvements for Boston!
Thank you Jimmy!
On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 3:20 PM, Jimmy McArthur <jimmy at openstack.org>
> All -
> Thanks again for your hard (and quick!) work on the OpenStack Barcelona
> Summit Track selections. You all did an amazing job and we're really
> grateful to each of you.
> I took notes of feedback, but please feel free to add to the list if you
> feel I've missed something:
> Better ability for Track Chairs to merge
> Option to email all speakers from one or more presentations
> Ability for Speakers to submit/propose a new Title / Abstract as an
> attachment or within the thread
> Track Chairs ability to deactivate merged talks, and save one with new
> abstract (or merge into a new record so we don't taint the originals)
> Email issues
> Track conversations with users within the Track Chair tool i/o just via
> email. Could also consider using ZenDesk API for this?
> There was a problem with Sendgrid API this go round, so there were just
> generally problems. They were:
> No CC of other track chairs
> Reply address was noreply at openstack.org i/o the ZenDesk ticket
> Adding name of Presentation and other details automatically within the
> "Track chair XYZ has a question about your presentation: ABCD"
> Email all speakers i/o just one
> Need the option back of being able to compare everyone's list side by
> The new method of using the dropdown makes it difficult for the team to
> compare selected talks
> A way to auto-select common talks for placement in the team section
would be
> cool, or at least a way to quickly view that list, along with the # of
> members that selected each talk
> An option for a Track to "Close" their selections
> Send an email to track chairs list
> Mark Track as "Closed" for non-admins
> Another suggestion for the Boston CFP process might be to consider
> user and developer sub-tracks. For example. What might be considered a
> To/Best Practice for developers might be completely irrelevant to users.
> We at Dev Tools track found out that there are a lot of drafts related
> the CI/CD and Testing processes. Seems reasonable to add such a track
> (Deployment and Testing) as an option for the next summit. What do you
> think?
> Thank you again!
> Jimmy
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Nick Chase, Head of Technical and Marketing Content, Mirantis
Editor in Chief, OpenStack:Unlocked
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Nick Chase, Head of Technical and Marketing Content, Mirantis
Editor in Chief, OpenStack:Unlocked
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