[Openstack-track-chairs] Track Chair Feedback

Jimmy McArthur jimmy at openstack.org
Wed Aug 24 22:20:00 UTC 2016

All -

Thanks again for your hard (and quick!) work on the OpenStack Barcelona 
Summit Track selections. You all did an amazing job and we're really 
grateful to each of you.

I took notes of feedback, but please feel free to add to the list if you 
feel I've missed something:

  * Better ability for Track Chairs to merge
      o Option to email all speakers from one or more presentations
      o Ability for Speakers to submit/propose a new Title / Abstract as
        an attachment or within the thread
      o Track Chairs ability to deactivate merged talks, and save one
        with new abstract (or merge into a new record so we don't taint
        the originals)
  * Email issues
      o Track conversations with users within the Track Chair tool i/o
        just via email. Could also consider using ZenDesk API for this?
      o There was a problem with Sendgrid API this go round, so there
        were just generally problems. They were:
          + No CC of other track chairs
          + Reply address was noreply at openstack.org i/o the ZenDesk ticket
          + Adding name of Presentation and other details automatically
            within the email "Track chair XYZ has a question about your
            presentation: ABCD"
          + Email all speakers i/o just one
  * Need the option back of being able to compare everyone's list side
    by side
      o The new method of using the dropdown makes it difficult for the
        team to compare selected talks
      o A way to auto-select common talks for placement in the team
        section would be cool, or at least a way to quickly view that
        list, along with the # of team members that selected each talk
  * An option for a Track to "Close" their selections
      o Send an email to track chairs list
      o Mark Track as "Closed" for non-admins
  * Another suggestion for the Boston CFP process might be to consider
    separate user and developer sub-tracks. For example. What might be
    considered a How To/Best Practice for developers might be completely
    irrelevant to users.
  * We at Dev Tools track found out that there are a lot of drafts
    related to the CI/CD and Testing processes. Seems reasonable to add
    such a track (Deployment and Testing) as an option for the next
    summit. What do you think?

Thank you again!
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