[Openstack-track-chairs] Tokyo Selection Process - OpenStack Summit

Claire Massey claire at openstack.org
Mon Aug 10 14:13:39 UTC 2015

Hello Track Chairs,

Hopefully by now you’ve all had the opportunity to log into the Track Chair Tool, have started reviewing sessions and have connected with your fellow team members to schedule a time this week for when you can make your final team lists. 

Please be mindful of the timeline - there’s just one week left for you to make these decisions! August 17 is the deadline for when all of your final team selections must be made in the tool.

TODAY, August 10 is the deadline for your to elect to move sessions from your track into a different track. If you haven’t already reviewed the sessions in your track and identified those that are a better fit for a different track - please do so NOW. These decisions need to be made now so that the other track chairs have ample time to review the sessions that are newly added to their track. 

See below for a full description of how to use the tool. 

If you have any questions along the way please contact us at speakersupport at openstack.org.


Claire Massey
OpenStack Marketing
claire at openstack.org

> On Aug 5, 2015, at 12:29 PM, Kendall Waters <kendall at openstack.org> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Thank you again for volunteering to serve as a Track Chair for the October Openstack Summit in Tokyo!
> We received over 1,500 speaking submissions for the Summit. OpenStack community members have cast their votes so now it's your turn to select which of the submissions will ultimtely make it into the final Summit schedule. 
> As always, venue space comes at a premium, therefore we only have a limited quantity of rooms to dedicate for breakout sessions. You can see a high-level draft view of the breakout schedule and quantity of session slots per track HERE <https://docs.google.com/a/openstack.org/spreadsheets/d/1ExhTT0vTea8xAMOfQynQzDX_WHH47MPHnHDJ5WrZnUc/edit?usp=sharing>. (Please note that this schedule is subject to change!) With so many great submissions to choose from we understand that it's going to be difficult for you to make your selections - but we trust your judgement. If you have any questions along the way please do not hesitate to email the track chair mailing list or speakersupport at openstack.org <mailto:speakersupport at openstack.org>.
> Between now and August 17 at 23:00 UTC you will need to collaborate with your fellow track chairs to pick the very best sessions in your track.
> To make your final selections please use our Track Chair tool: www.openstack.org/track-chairs/ <http://www.openstack.org/track-chairs/>  Log in with your email address and the password that you've set for the OpenStack website. If you need to reset your password, you can do that here <https://www.openstack.org/Security/lostpassword>. If you have any login issues please contact speakersupport at openstack.org <mailto:speakersupport at openstack.org>.
> After logging in please watch the quick tutorial video <http://youtu.be/_7A82b0Fp3A> before proceeding to do anything else. You can also find the tutorial video here: www.openstack.org/track-chairs/#tutorial <http://www.openstack.org/track-chairs/#tutorial>
> Once you've logged into the tool, you'll see (in the menu across the top):
> 1. All the presentations available for your Track
> 2. Your selections, your teammates individual selections, and the collective Team selections (once you make them)
> 3. A directory of all OpenStack Summit Track Chairs (you may also view the list in the etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Tokyo_Summit_Track_Chairs <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Tokyo_Summit_Track_Chairs>
> 4. A tutorial video that shows you how to use the tool
> Each presentation shows you how many total votes were cast, how many total points resulted the average vote score. Remember the choices displayed during voting? Here's how those options translated into points:
>         • Would Love To See This! (3 Points)
>         • Would Try To See (2 Points)
>         • Might See This (1 Point)
>         • Would Not See (-1 Point)
>         • No Opinion (0 Points)
> The first step is for each track chair to build a personal list of presentations they’d like to see included in their track. To do this:
> 1. Log in using the account above
> 2. Browse through the presentations in your track
> 3. Click on any presentation for more details
> 4. In presentation details panel on the righthand side, click on “Add To My List”
> 5. To see and sort your list, click  “Your Selections” in the top menu bar. (You can see the presentations you’ve added and drag them up and down to sort them)
> After everyone has expressed their personal choices, everyone should discuss and debate the selections. Then, it’s up to at least one member of the team to create the final team list. This list registers the final selections for the team. To create the Team List:
> 1. Click on any presentation selected by another member (or find a presentation under Browse Presentations).
> 2. In the blue header on the right side, click on “Add To Team List”
> 3. To see and sort your team's list, click the “Selected Presentations Icon” on the left side menu bar. (The team list is the one on the far right. Again, you can drag them up and down to sort them.)
> You and your colleagues can select as many presentations as you'd like. (Click on the presentation and press the blue "Select" button in the presentation details window.) Once your alloted spots are filled, additional presentations will be considered alternates. Under the Team Selections tab, you can drag and drop the presentations into your order of preference. Keep in mind that not all of the slots that you fill for your track are guaranteed to make it into the final agenda - the quantity of session slots for your track will depend on space allocation in the venue and other scheduling variables.  This is why it is very important that you stack rank your sessions in decending order. We'll consider the presentations at the top of the list to be the most important to include in the final Summit agenda.
> Please note that everyone on your team shares the Team Selections column. Any changes that you make will override the  selections / order choices that your colleages may have made in this column. Therefore, before making your final session selections inside the Team Selections tab - we recommend that you and your fellow track chairs use a collaborative etherpad or Google doc to line out your prefered track selections. This may make it easier to track decisions made as a team while you work to come to a consensus on the sessions that you ultimately select. Once you have finalized your selections as a team, add them into the Team Selections tab.
> You may find a session that is more fitting for a different track. In this case, please click “Suggest Category Change" and indicate the new track for the presentation. The admins will review your suggestion and make the change as needed. Please make all track changes no later than August 10 so that the chairs of the other track will have ample time to review that session. 
> You may want to combine sessions into panels or other formats, especially if there are multiple submissions about the same topic. However we request that you try to limit the number of new panels to no more than 40% of the selected sessions in your track. If you are creating a new panel then we strongly advise you to include at least one woman speaker on the panel. In order to combine talks or create new panels please email the request to speakersupport at openstack.org <mailto:speakersupport at openstack.org>.
> You have the ability to contact your fellow track chairs directly via their contact information (see separate email) or within the tool (by clicking on their name to send an email), but you may also make use of this mailing list to initiate or continue the discussion with all track chairs. 
> 1. Your ranking and alternates are important because some presenters may not be able to attend 
> 2. The deadline to move sessions into different tracks is August 10.
> 3. The deadline to make your final team lists of rank presentations is August 17 at 23:00 UTC 
> 4. Please do not set expectations with any speakers ranked in your category until the official notification by the Summit speaker manager, which will happen the week of August 26.
> Track Chair tool:  https://www.openstack.org/track-chairs/ <https://www.openstack.org/track-chairs/>
> Track Chair overview & details: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Tokyo_Summit_Track_Chairs <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Tokyo_Summit_Track_Chairs>
> Track Chair group alias: openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org <mailto:openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org>
> Please make all final selections in the tool no later than August 17 at 23:00 UTC. If you have any queries or issues along the way please notify us at speakersupport at openstack.org <mailto:speakersupport at openstack.org>.
> Cheers, 
> Kendall
> Kendall Waters
> OpenStack Marketing
> kendall at openstack.org <mailto:kendall at openstack.org>
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