On 15/03/14 08:55, John Dickinson wrote: > There are 3 sessions that we think should be in the Storage track that are currently not (best I can tell 2 of them are currently in operations). > > https://www.openstack.org/track-chairs/Show/1087 (Case Study: Georgia Tech – University private cloud, incl. research) > > https://www.openstack.org/track-chairs/Show/1089 (Case Study: Pac-12 Sports – Enterprise Archiving with OpenStack Swift) > > https://www.openstack.org/track-chairs/Show/1088 (Case Study: Low cost private cloud for HPC cancer research) > > > We have a lack of case-studies in the storage track today, and would like to consider these sessions along side the ones already proposed. > > Can these be moved? Is anyone opposed to that? The first and third are in the ops track at the moment. Conveniently we are having a meeting in about an hour so should be able to confirm shortly! Regards, Tom