[Openstack-track-chairs] Hello OpenStack Track Chairs

mathieu.rohon at orange.com mathieu.rohon at orange.com
Tue Jul 29 11:33:15 UTC 2014

Hi claire,

do you know if track chairs will receive an invitation to attend the next summit? and do you know if submitters of selected tracks will receive an inviatation?


From: Claire Massey [claire at openstack.org]
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 12:26 AM
To: openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org
Subject: Hello OpenStack Track Chairs

Hi everyone,

Thank you for being a track chair for the November 2014 OpenStack Summit in Paris!

You are now subscribed to the track chair email alias, openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org>. You can send emails to this alias to correspond with ALL track chairs simultaneously.

You can also view a full list of the track chairs and direct email addresses here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Paris_Summit_Track_Chairs

I’ve blind copied everyone on this email string to make sure you received this one. If you did not receive a subscription notification for the track chair alias then please check your junk/spam folder and let me know asap. Please also make sure that your email server does not block emails sent to/from the alias.

We will be in touch soon with next steps. For reference I’ve pasted the timeline of upcoming events below.

Thanks again!


July 28: Deadline for speaking submissions via the Call for Speakers portal
July 30 - August 6: Session voting open to the community
August 8: Track Chairs receive session proposals
August 8-18: Track chairs review proposals, discuss choices and potentially move sessions to other tracks if they are a better fit
August 19: Track chairs submit final session selections via administrative tool - we will provide you with a video tutorial for how to use the tool
August 22: Foundation staff notifies all submitters whether or not their session was accepted into the final Summit agenda
August 25: Breakout session agenda published
August 27: Early bird registration deadline, prices increase on August 28


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