As outgoing-chair, I want to offer my congratulations to the new and returning members. Thank you all for committing to serve the OpenStack community. We have a few pieces of business we need to take care of to install the new committee and start this term. 1. Add the new members to the tech-committee group in gerrit, so they can vote. I have done this. 2. Ask new members to sign up for the openstack-tc mailing list [0]. I have done this on IRC, but if you missed the ping please make sure you're signed up. 3. Approve the new membership roster. Please vote on the patch prepared by the election officials: 4. Choose a new chair for this 6 month session. The chair is responsible for making sure we follow the TC charter rules [1], and for communicating the decisions made by the TC to the Board of Directors and the OpenStack community at large. Candidates for the chair position should propose a patch on top of and add " {chair}" at the end of the line by their name in the reference/members file in the openstack/governance repository. New members, please also familiarize yourself with the voting rules for motions [2] and house rules for other types of decisions [3]. Doug [0] [1] [2] [3]