[openstack-tc] Governance dashboard

Zane Bitter zbitter at redhat.com
Wed Jun 20 15:53:07 UTC 2018

I've been using this Gerrit dashboard for governance reviews for a few 
weeks now, and it seems to be working out OK so I thought I would share 
it here in case it could help anybody else:


I've attached the gerrit-dash-creator file if you want to customise it.

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title = Governance Review Inbox
description = Review Inbox
foreach = project:openstack/governance status:open

[section "My Proposals"]
query = owner:self

[section "Ready for Review"]
query = NOT (owner:self OR label:Rollcall-Vote<=-1,self OR label:Rollcall-Vote>=1,self OR label:Code-Review>=1,self) NOT (label:Code-Review<=-1 OR label:Workflow<=-1 OR topic:on-hold OR label:Verified<=-1)

[section "Not Reviewed"]
query = NOT (owner:self OR label:Rollcall-Vote<=-1,self OR label:Rollcall-Vote>=1,self OR label:Code-Review>=1,self OR label:Code-Review<=-1,self) (label:Code-Review<=-1 OR label:Workflow<=-1 OR topic:on-hold OR label:Verified<=-1)

[section "Not Voted"]
query = NOT (owner:self OR label:Rollcall-Vote<=-1,self OR label:Rollcall-Vote>=1,self OR label:Code-Review<=-1,self) NOT label:Workflow<=-1 label:Code-Review>=1,self topic:formal-vote

[section "Reviewed"]
query = NOT (owner:self OR label:Rollcall-Vote<=-1,self OR label:Rollcall-Vote>=1,self) (label:Code-Review<=-1,self OR (label:Code-Review>=1,self NOT topic:formal-vote))

[section "Voted"]
query = NOT owner:self (label:Rollcall-Vote<=-1,self OR label:Rollcall-Vote>=1,self)

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