[openstack-tc] Adding UC charter to OpenStack Governance

Russell Bryant rbryant at redhat.com
Wed Jun 1 16:56:35 UTC 2016

On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 12:13 PM, Edgar Magana <edgar.magana at workday.com>

> Dear TC Members,
> As member of the User Committee and in their behalf I would like to ask
> your support on the following request.
> The UC has been working very actively in the definition of its charter.
> One of the action items out of the last summit was to include the UC
> charter details in the OpenStack governance site.
> Therefore, we would like to modify the http://governance.openstack.org/
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__governance.openstack.org_&d=CwMGaQ&c=DS6PUFBBr_KiLo7Sjt3ljp5jaW5k2i9ijVXllEdOozc&r=G0XRJfDQsuBvqa_wpWyDAUlSpeMV4W1qfWqBfctlWwQ&m=Th_UC_mehodtTqMKerCwUa5l_GG2nC-H7Koh5Z8756w&s=BMvqLQWZzBYKQ0ddjgkZe4e6emv5UYus-Ak9fUb5-Bs&e=>
> page in order to have two sub-sections one for TC and one for UC
> In other words, we would like to move all the current content under the
> following structure:
> o http://governance.openstack.org/tc
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__governance.openstack.org_tc&d=CwMGaQ&c=DS6PUFBBr_KiLo7Sjt3ljp5jaW5k2i9ijVXllEdOozc&r=G0XRJfDQsuBvqa_wpWyDAUlSpeMV4W1qfWqBfctlWwQ&m=Th_UC_mehodtTqMKerCwUa5l_GG2nC-H7Koh5Z8756w&s=RaO-R4524kyrK2pzDD6gl7QdGCcPy41hPkJCtARqSyo&e=>
> o http://governance.openstack.org/uc
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__governance.openstack.org_uc&d=CwMGaQ&c=DS6PUFBBr_KiLo7Sjt3ljp5jaW5k2i9ijVXllEdOozc&r=G0XRJfDQsuBvqa_wpWyDAUlSpeMV4W1qfWqBfctlWwQ&m=Th_UC_mehodtTqMKerCwUa5l_GG2nC-H7Koh5Z8756w&s=hJ4CDDKYXka4VXkO_ViecIL-_kW4rqmT6MWSGlCtqX8&e=>
> Of course the main page (/) would become neutral and explain the
> governance in general, and then point to the tc/ and uc/ (and elections/)
> subsections. TC will keep having the full ownership of the corresponding
> subsection while the UC will own its respective one. Please, let us know if
> you have any concern on these changes. Once we have received good feedback
> on this request, we will proceed to commit the changes in our infra repos.

It would be nice if we didn't have to break existing links to

What alternatives have you considered?  usercommittee.openstack.org?

Russell Bryant
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