[openstack-tc] Vitrage project

AFEK, Ifat (Ifat) ifat.afek at alcatel-lucent.com
Mon Nov 30 12:41:52 UTC 2015


My name is Ifat, and I am the PTL of a new project named Vitrage[1][2]. We would like Vitrage to be the Openstack RCA (Root Cause Analysis) Engine for analyzing and expanding OpenStack alarms & events, yielding insights regarding the root cause of problems and deducing the existence of problems before they are directly detected.

We already have this functionality working in production in Alcatel-Lucent CloudBand solution (as proprietary java code), and we started a process of porting it to python.

In a few months from now, once we have something ready, we will ask to become an OpenStack project under the Big Tent. Are there any specific guidelines, processes to follow, things we should consider in advance, etc.? we are trying to do everything "right" from the beginning, to make the process easier later on.

[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Vitrage
[2] https://launchpad.net/vitrage


Ifat Afek
Senior Software Engineer
CloudBand Business Unit
ifat.afek at alcatel-lucent.com

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