[Openstack-stable-maint] Propose myself to be a stable maintainer

Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo mangelajo at redhat.com
Thu Jul 17 13:31:27 UTC 2014

I suppose that my vote doesn't count, but I'd like to say Ihar is doing a fantastic work u/s & d/s, always meticulously checking every nit detail, and always willing to do things the right way.

If I had the right to vote, I'd +1.

Best regards,
Miguel Ángel.

----- Original Message -----
> Hash: SHA512
> Hi,
> I would like to propose myself as a stable maintainer. I'm mostly
> involved in Neutron, somewhat Oslo; no core status for any project
> atm. I'm an active Openstack packager for Red Hat and hence dependent
> on stable branches being in good shape.
> I feel that stable backport requests are sometimes not handled in
> decent time, so I'd like to give my hand to the team.
> Comments?
> Cheers,
> /Ihar
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> =+Kor
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