[Openstack-sigs] [scientific] Scientific SIG - IRC meeting Tue 15th at 2100 UTC

Marcus Ebert mebert at uvic.ca
Tue May 15 20:58:57 UTC 2018

Hello all,

I'm new to the list, so I would like to give a short introduction to what 
we do:
I'm with the HEP Research Computing group at UVic, where we utilize 
(Openstack) clouds for the computing needs of different High Energy 
Physics groups. We don't use just single clouds but work on a system that 
unifies all clouds available to us in a way that it looks like a single 
computing resource for the user jobs, and for that it also handles the 
distribution of needed images to the different clouds. In addition, we are 
working on a system that unifies cloud storage on different clouds into a 
unified storage space with a single endpoint for all user jobs on any 
cloud, no matter on which clouds the data ends up or from where it is 
read. Although we have this storage federation in production now, it is 
still mainly work in progress.

more general information can be found here:

Unfortunately, I can't join the IRC meeting today, but will be at the 
summit next week in Vancouver.
Could you please let me know which Scientific SIG activities are planned 
for it and on which days? (from the schedule, it's just Wednesday morning?)


On Tue, 15 May 2018, Martial Michel wrote:

> Hello,
> With a late email invitation, we will have our IRC meeting in the
> #openstack-meeting
> channel at 2100 UTC May 15th.
> Final agenda will be at
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Scientific_SIG#IRC_Meeting_May_15th_2018
> and to be a repeat of last week in preparation for the summit next week
>   1. SIG Cycle Report
>      1. https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/scientific-sig-report-queens
>   2. Call for Lighting Talks
>      1. https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/scientific
>      -sig-vancouver2018-lighting-talks
>   3. AOB
> All are welcome. Looking forward to seeing you there -- Martial

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