[Openstack-sigs] [meta] Proposal for Edge/Massively Distributed Clouds SIG

lebre.adrien at free.fr lebre.adrien at free.fr
Thu Oct 26 16:47:25 UTC 2017

Dear all, 

Following a couple of exchanges and some internal discussions within the FEMDC Team/WG [1], we believe it would be great to turn our group as a new SIG before the Sydney summit. 

You can find a short overview of the FEMDC Team/WG below:  


The first meeting, which led to the creation of this group, has been held in Austin in April 2016 and the WG has been officially created after the Barcelona summit (Oct 2016). 

We have bi-weekly IRC meetings with around 10 participants in average, including folks from Inria (France), B-Yond (Usa), FBK (Italy), Redhat (USA), and punctually Orange (France).  More  recently, new folks from Ericsson (Sweden) have joined the discussions. 
We expect/hope the number of contributors will increase because there is a lot of discussions around the edge computing paradigm in the OpenStack ecosystem [2]. 

The actions we are doing are upstream focused and also users oriented (for instance Inria with Redhat are doing some development at the low level of the OpenStack code while B-Yond leads an activity on the use-case specifications [3]).
In addition, we have been participating to different actions in particular with the Performance team [4]

More generally, we would like to use this SIG as a catalyst for all discussions around edge computing infrastructures, that is: 
(i) identify and coordinate (when possible) the current actions and (ii) facilitate cross-project/SIG collaborations.


Please let me know, the official process to update the different wiki pages such as [5] and finally, is there any official action to achieve w-r-t to the UC [6].


[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fog_Edge_Massively_Distributed_Clouds
[2] https://www.openstack.org/edge-computing/
[3] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fog_Edge_Massively_Distributed_Clouds#Planned_Actions_for_Queen_cycle
[4] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fog_Edge_Massively_Distributed_Clouds#Achieved_Actions
[5] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_SIGs
[6] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/UserCommittee

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