[Openstack-sigs] [meta] How SIG work gets done?

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Tue Jul 18 20:59:56 UTC 2017

On 2017-07-18 12:56:08 -0500 (-0500), Melvin Hillsman wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 12:27 PM, Doug Hellmann <doug at doughellmann.com>
> wrote:
> > I still think before we start trying to solve the problem with
> > some sort of fundamental change to our community, we should look
> > at the details of the past cases and generalize from there.
> Do you have a suggestion for some past cases we can view? I assume
> we would need to gather some of those who worked on the case and
> get some details that we may not find elsewhere?

The largest success which comes to my mind is the interoperability
work (formerly defcore). It started out following much the same
pattern as Doug is worried about, and languished for years until
people who were already entrenched in the contributor community
working on other things dropped what they had been doing and shifted
to focus full time on solutions in this space.

When member companies were first asked by the board to do something,
they assigned new developers and project managers to the effort who
operated mostly in a vacuum and so didn't really generate any
traction. They were basically disenfranchised and lacked context
with the established community. What worked was convincing people
already known to the rest of the community, insiders, that the
problem was real and significant enough that they should want to get
involved and work on that problem instead of something else (which
in turn required they convince their employers it was worth letting
them work on that, or finding new employment from an organization
who would).
Jeremy Stanley
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