[Openstack-security] [Openstack-dev][pyCADF]CADF audit event generation

karan sachan karansachan at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 12:51:41 UTC 2015

Hi Community,

I have been trying to generate audit data and logs using pycadf. I have
done the changes as mentioned here
<http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystonemiddleware/audit.html>. I also
followed the webinar on An Overview of Cloud Auditing Support for

I have done following steps to configure CADF API audit filter with
ceilometer for NOVA:

   1. Enable and configure audit middleware: added [filter:audit] in
   etc/nova/api-paste.conf and added etc/nova/nova_api_audit_map.conf file
   2. Added LIBS_FROM_GIT=pycadf in local.conf
   3. Installed keystonemiddleware

I could check on horizon that events have been captured by ceilometer on

[Problem 1] I don't know what will be the outcome of this configurations.
Whether any new file will be generated having all the event logs. If yes,
then kindly let us know the location where the file will be generated. If
some other action happens then let us know how to trace it.

[Problem 2] As we are currently on Icehouse, I could not see
keystonemiddleware for it, it seems like only available to Juno and Kilo.
So kindly suggest how to configure over Icehouse.


Thanks & Regards,
Karan Sachan
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