[Openstack-security] Credentials in clear text
Adam Lawson
alawson at aqorn.com
Wed Apr 23 21:25:38 UTC 2014
Totally fair Bryan - just trying to sort through this because it came up as
an audit finding. Re that last question, that's the rub for me. For a
service to start, decryption requires a key. Armed with the key, a
nefarious sysadmin can open the file and get the rest of the data. But I'm
struggling with the all or nothing dynamic. I know in Windows, a local
user/password can be set to start a service and that password cannot be
identified by looking at some text file. Unix works a little differently I
know. Okay, a lot differently. ; )
Ideas I had (feel free to blow these up):
- encrypting the conf file
- encrypting just the tokens/passwords values within the conf file
- starting services from a remote location which reduces the credential
exposure to sysadmins
Also open to other ideas. Is the problem statement clear though / what I'm
trying to sort through? Is embedding credentials in text files best
practice or is it such a common practice that the method isn't really that
big of a deal? Would prefer not to boil the ocean if I can avoid it but
trying to find a path forward...
*Adam Lawson*
427 North Tatnall Street
Ste. 58461
Wilmington, Delaware 19801-2230
Toll-free: (844) 4-AQORN-NOW
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On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Bryan D. Payne <bdpayne at acm.org> wrote:
> There are several issues with this approach and the code below. But
> perhaps the clearest way to understand the issue here is to ask, "Where
> would the decryption password be stored?"
> -bryan
> On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 9:48 AM, Adam Lawson <alawson at aqorn.com> wrote:
>> How feasible (or unfeasible) would it be for each service to look for an
>> encrypted conf file and use the clear text version if the encrypted file
>> doesn't exist? The file could be all settings but technically only
>> credentials and tokens would need this level of protection in my estimation.
>> I could envision doing this, for example, with OpenSSL as follows (bash
>> for example):
>> #!/bin/bash
>> #OpenSSL file encryption
>> decrypt=credentials.txt
>> encrypt=${decrypt}.encrypted
>> if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then #encrypt creds in file
>> read username
>> read -s password
>> #write creds to the file
>> echo ${username}:${password} | openssl des3 -salt -out $encrypt
>> elif [[ $1 = '-d' ]] ; then #decrypt creds from file
>> openssl des3 -d -salt -in $encrypt -out $decrypt
>> else
>> echo "Error: $1 invalid. Decrypt='-d', Encrypt=no-args" >&2
>> exit 1
>> fi
>> Thoughts? It just seems (to me of course) like a meaningful design option
>> for companies who cannot afford to give credentials to all sysadmins with
>> sudo access to *any* of the nodes for a given solution.
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