[Openstack-security] Fwd: [Full-disclosure] [Django] Cookie-based session storage session invalidation issue

Kurt Seifried kseifried at redhat.com
Fri Oct 4 04:04:14 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 10/03/2013 10:00 PM, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 11:48 PM, Kurt Seifried
> <kseifried at redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 10/03/2013 09:39 PM, Paul McMillan wrote:
>>> Hi Kurt,
>>> The upstream Django team would be extremely happy if you
>>> refrained from assigning a CVE for a clearly documented
>>> security tradeoff, which is mentioned covered in both the
>>> Django and the Horizon docs, as well as in the Openstack
>>> Security Guide.
>>> The upshot of this entire business is that if you rely soly on 
>>> client-side cookies, logging out deletes the cookie from a
>>> local browser, but does not actually invalidate it until the
>>> session expiry timeout. If you don't like this particular
>>> technical limitation using client side sessions, you are
>>> advised not to use that cookie backend.
>>> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/topics/http/sessions/#using-cookie-based-sessions
This does NOT deserve a CVE.
>>> Regards, -Paul
>> Yeah this is usually why i research things a bit before assigning
>> a CVE.
>> So based on
>> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/topics/http/sessions/#using-cookie-based-sessions
No freshness guarantee
>> Note also that while the MAC can guarantee the authenticity of
>> the data (that it was generated by your site, and not someone
>> else), and the integrity of the data (that it is all there and
>> correct), it cannot guarantee freshness i.e. that you are being
>> sent back the last thing you sent to the client. This means that
>> for some uses of session data, the cookie backend might open you
>> up to replay attacks. Unlike other session backends which keep a
>> server-side record of each session and invalidate it when a user
>> logs out, cookie-based sessions are not invalidated when a user
>> logs out. Thus if an attacker steals a user’s cookie, he can use
>> that cookie to login as that user even if the user logs out.
>> Cookies will only be detected as ‘stale’ if they are older than
>> I would say this falls into the Python Pickle() group (large red 
>> banner), a potentially dangerous feature with a large warning.
>> Ergo no CVE.
>> My one comment would be to possibly make the reply warning more 
>> prominent and also mention protecting the cookie with HTTPS
>> (wireless networks in coffee shops/etc.).
> What precisely is OpenStack going to do to ensure Django is always
> in an approved configuration (or ships in a secure configuration)?
> Are there any UI warnings when moving from a secure configuration
> to a potentially insecure configuration?
> Are the QA folks or Release team aware they need to inspect a
> setting and check a box?
> (Forgive my ignorance - I'm still learning policy and procedures).
> Jeff

I assume this would primarily be up to the people packaging and
shipping OpenStack. Having a feature to ensure it is safely configured
and if not to raise a warning in the GUI/etc. would be rgeat, feel
free to file an RFE upstream.

- -- 
Kurt Seifried Red Hat Security Response Team (SRT)
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