[Openstack-security] Reg: Security concern

Matthew Thode prometheanfire at gentoo.org
Mon May 27 08:09:33 UTC 2013

On 05/27/13 02:43, Andrew finley wrote:
> Hi There,
>    I've been working with nova, glance and keystone for past one year and
> now i want to look into swift to implement in production level, which
> raises a question about security concern with openstack where i found this
> group. So how secure is swift as of now, i've been reading mailing lists
> and disussions about man-in-middle attack can be performed, any suggestions?
> Regards,
> Andrew.
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I don't know of any security concerns with swift, maybe a mitm can
happen if you don't use ssl, but I don't know of anything otherwise.

-- Matthew Thode (prometheanfire)

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