[openstack-qa] Documentation of tempest

Attila Fazekas afazekas at redhat.com
Tue May 14 15:03:24 UTC 2013

Hi All,
The functions and methods used by the test cases are just partially
 documented. Which makes it difficult to understand the source
 for anyone who would like to start contributing.
We should improve the Python doc strings and generate and publish a 
 tempest "API" documentation.
Is it doable?
The second thing is, that it is very difficult to follow what is being
 tested and what is missing. For example:
 * Do we cover CRUD/REST operations for a certain "domain" and to what extent?
 * What kind of verification do we have about whether the correct thing
   happened on the server side?
 * What kind of features are covered?
As blueprints are supposed to be assigned to someone and targeted at milestone
 there is now no place for 'those areas are not covered yet' list.
I am looking for recommendations, how (wiki, rst file in tempest?)
 can we maintain something which will help us in answering those questions.
BTW: We very rarely link to a detailed description from the blueprints.
 IMHO we should create a more detailed plans/description
 for the future hi-impact changes.

Best Regards,

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