[openstack-qa] package/module based setup function for tempest tests

Christopher Yeoh cyeoh at au1.ibm.com
Thu Jan 17 05:42:06 UTC 2013


I've been working on the speed-up-tempest blueprint (conversion from
nose to testtools/testr). Using testr with the tests as they are some
tests are failing because the setup_package calls in a few __init__.py
are not being called since setup_package is nose specific.

Can anyone tell me what the equivalent way to do it with testtools is -
I'm assuming some sort of fixture, but how do you get it to be run once
per package (there is for example setup that just needs to be done once
for compute tests, not for each compute test).

Also a couple of other general testr/testtools questions
- is there an easy way to get the standard output from tests (sometimes
  even if they pass)?
- Is there a way to get testr to display what tests are currently being
  executed as they are being executed (eg so I can see what is going


cyeoh at au.ibm.com

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