[openstack-qa] Splitting Up JSON and XML Tests

Matthew Treinish treinish at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Jan 14 18:04:49 UTC 2013

Hi Everyone,

So to try and combat tempest runtime I think that it would be a good idea to
split up the XML and JSON tests so that each tempest run will only use either
XML or JSON but not both. Instead of duplicating the tests serially like we do
now we can run the 2 container formats in parallel. So we would setup jenkins
to have 2 gating jobs one with JSON the other XML. The advantage here is that
we will split up gate onto 2 servers and it should decrease runtime for

I'm thinking that using a boolean config option would be the easiest way to
switch between XML and JSON.

I do remember when we did the initial XML push into tempest there was
opposition to this approach but I don't remember why. So there is probably
something that I am overlooking, but I still think it worth having the
discussion again.

Any thoughts?


Matt Treinish

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