[openstack-qa] Build failed in Jenkins: periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full #86

OpenStack Jenkins jenkins at openstack.org
Sat Feb 2 06:06:28 UTC 2013

See <https://jenkins.openstack.org/job/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/>

[...truncated 7387 lines...]
2013-02-02 06:06:07   File "/opt/stack/new/keystone/keystone/common/sql/migrate_repo/versions/008_create_default_domain.py", line 50, in upgrade
2013-02-02 06:06:07     domain)
2013-02-02 06:06:07   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/session.py", line 910, in execute
2013-02-02 06:06:07     clause, params or {})
2013-02-02 06:06:07   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1449, in execute
2013-02-02 06:06:07     params)
2013-02-02 06:06:07   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1584, in _execute_clauseelement
2013-02-02 06:06:07     compiled_sql, distilled_params
2013-02-02 06:06:07   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1698, in _execute_context
2013-02-02 06:06:07     context)
2013-02-02 06:06:07   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1691, in _execute_context
2013-02-02 06:06:07     context)
2013-02-02 06:06:07   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py", line 331, in do_execute
2013-02-02 06:06:07     cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
2013-02-02 06:06:07 sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) syntax error at or near "`"
2013-02-02 06:06:07 LINE 1: INSERT INTO `domain` (`extra`, `enabled`, `id`, `name`) VALU...
2013-02-02 06:06:07                     ^
2013-02-02 06:06:07  'INSERT INTO `domain` (`extra`, `enabled`, `id`, `name`) VALUES (%(extra)s, %(enabled)s, %(id)s, %(name)s)' {'extra': '{"description": "Owns users and tenants (i.e. projects) available on Identity API v2."}', 'enabled': True, 'id': 'default', 'name': 'Default'}
2013-02-02 06:06:07 + [[ PKI == \P\K\I ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:07 + rm -rf /etc/keystone/ssl
2013-02-02 06:06:07 + /opt/stack/new/keystone/bin/keystone-manage pki_setup
2013-02-02 06:06:07 Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus
2013-02-02 06:06:07 ....................++++++
2013-02-02 06:06:07 ......................................++++++
2013-02-02 06:06:07 e is 65537 (0x10001)
2013-02-02 06:06:07 Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus
2013-02-02 06:06:07 ..........................................++++++
2013-02-02 06:06:07 ...................................++++++
2013-02-02 06:06:07 e is 65537 (0x10001)
2013-02-02 06:06:07 Using configuration from /etc/keystone/ssl/certs/openssl.conf
2013-02-02 06:06:07 Check that the request matches the signature
2013-02-02 06:06:09 Signature ok
2013-02-02 06:06:09 The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
2013-02-02 06:06:09 countryName           :PRINTABLE:'US'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 stateOrProvinceName   :PRINTABLE:'Unset'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 localityName          :PRINTABLE:'Unset'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 organizationName      :PRINTABLE:'Unset'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 commonName            :PRINTABLE:'www.example.com'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 Certificate is to be certified until Feb  2 06:06:07 2014 GMT (365 days)
2013-02-02 06:06:09 
2013-02-02 06:06:09 Write out database with 1 new entries
2013-02-02 06:06:09 Data Base Updated
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/keystone
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + sudo chown stack /var/cache/keystone
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + rm -f '/var/cache/keystone/*'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + start_keystone
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + local service_port=5000
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + is_service_enabled tls-proxy
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + services=tls-proxy
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + for service in '${services}'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ ,g-api,g-reg,key,n-api,n-crt,n-obj,n-cpu,n-sch,horizon,rabbit,tempest,swift,cinder,c-api,c-vol,c-sch,n-cond,n-net,postgresql, =~ ,tls-proxy, ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \n\o\v\a ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \c\i\n\d\e\r ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \c\e\i\l\o\m\e\t\e\r ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \g\l\a\n\c\e ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \q\u\a\n\t\u\m ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + return 1
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + screen_it key 'cd /opt/stack/new/keystone && /opt/stack/new/keystone/bin/keystone-all --config-file /etc/keystone/keystone.conf --log-config /etc/keystone/logging.conf -d --debug'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 ++ echo -ne '\015'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + NL=$'\r'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + SCREEN_NAME=stack
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + SERVICE_DIR=/opt/stack/new/status
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + is_service_enabled key
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + services=key
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + for service in '${services}'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ ,g-api,g-reg,key,n-api,n-crt,n-obj,n-cpu,n-sch,horizon,rabbit,tempest,swift,cinder,c-api,c-vol,c-sch,n-cond,n-net,postgresql, =~ ,key, ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + return 0
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + screen_rc key 'cd /opt/stack/new/keystone && /opt/stack/new/keystone/bin/keystone-all --config-file /etc/keystone/keystone.conf --log-config /etc/keystone/logging.conf -d --debug'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + SCREEN_NAME=stack
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + SCREENRC=/opt/stack/new/devstack/stack-screenrc
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ ! -e /opt/stack/new/devstack/stack-screenrc ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + echo 'sessionname stack'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + echo 'hardstatus alwayslastline '\''%{= .} %-Lw%{= .}%> %n%f %t*%{= .}%+Lw%< %-=%{g}(%{d}%H/%l%{g})'\'''
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + echo 'screen -t shell bash'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + grep key /opt/stack/new/devstack/stack-screenrc
2013-02-02 06:06:09 ++ echo -ne '\015'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + NL=$'\r'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + echo 'screen -t key bash'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + echo 'stuff "cd /opt/stack/new/keystone && /opt/stack/new/keystone/bin/keystone-all --config-file /etc/keystone/keystone.conf --log-config /etc/keystone/logging.conf -d --debug
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + screen -S stack -X screen -t key
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + sleep 1.5
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ -n /opt/stack/new/screen-logs ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + screen -S stack -p key -X logfile /opt/stack/new/screen-logs/screen-key.2013-02-02-060245.log
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + screen -S stack -p key -X log on
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + ln -sf /opt/stack/new/screen-logs/screen-key.2013-02-02-060245.log /opt/stack/new/screen-logs/screen-key.log
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + screen -S stack -p key -X stuff 'cd /opt/stack/new/keystone && /opt/stack/new/keystone/bin/keystone-all --config-file /etc/keystone/keystone.conf --log-config /etc/keystone/logging.conf -d --debug || touch "/opt/stack/new/status/stack/key.failure"
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + echo 'Waiting for keystone to start...'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 Waiting for keystone to start...
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + timeout 60 sh -c 'while ! http_proxy= curl -s >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + is_service_enabled tls-proxy
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + services=tls-proxy
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + for service in '${services}'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ ,g-api,g-reg,key,n-api,n-crt,n-obj,n-cpu,n-sch,horizon,rabbit,tempest,swift,cinder,c-api,c-vol,c-sch,n-cond,n-net,postgresql, =~ ,tls-proxy, ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \n\o\v\a ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \c\i\n\d\e\r ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \c\e\i\l\o\m\e\t\e\r ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \g\l\a\n\c\e ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \q\u\a\n\t\u\m ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + return 1
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + SERVICE_ENDPOINT=
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + is_service_enabled tls-proxy
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + services=tls-proxy
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + for service in '${services}'
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ ,g-api,g-reg,key,n-api,n-crt,n-obj,n-cpu,n-sch,horizon,rabbit,tempest,swift,cinder,c-api,c-vol,c-sch,n-cond,n-net,postgresql, =~ ,tls-proxy, ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \n\o\v\a ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \c\i\n\d\e\r ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \c\e\i\l\o\m\e\t\e\r ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \g\l\a\n\c\e ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + [[ tls-proxy == \q\u\a\n\t\u\m ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + return 1
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + export OS_SERVICE_TOKEN=111222333444
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + OS_SERVICE_TOKEN=111222333444
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + export OS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT=
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + OS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT=
2013-02-02 06:06:09 + create_keystone_accounts
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ keystone tenant-create --name admin
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ get_field 2
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ grep ' id '
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ read data
2013-02-02 06:06:12 Unable to communicate with identity service: {"error": {"message": "An unexpected error prevented the server from fulfilling your request. (ProgrammingError) relation \"project\" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO project (id, name, description, enabled, extra) ... ^ 'INSERT INTO project (id, name, description, enabled, extra) VALUES (%(id)s, %(name)s, %(description)s, %(enabled)s, %(extra)s)' {'extra': '{\"enabled\": true, \"description\": null}', 'enabled': None, 'id': '182eb9ecc67d457e904668094f08ab2a', 'name': u'admin', 'description': None}", "code": 500, "title": "Internal Server Error"}}. (HTTP 500)
2013-02-02 06:06:12 + ADMIN_TENANT=
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ keystone user-create --name admin --pass secret --email admin at example.com
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ get_field 2
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ grep ' id '
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ read data
2013-02-02 06:06:12 Unable to communicate with identity service: {"error": {"message": "An unexpected error prevented the server from fulfilling your request. (ProgrammingError) column \"password\" of relation \"user\" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO \"user\" (id, name, password, enabled, extra) VALU... ^ 'INSERT INTO \"user\" (id, name, password, enabled, extra) VALUES (%(id)s, %(name)s, %(password)s, %(enabled)s, %(extra)s)' {'extra': '{\"email\": \"admin at example.com\", \"tenantId\": null}', 'password': '$6$rounds=40000$YPY1uq7BwAjgsqvi$cm5Q/F0irnt3oLTJL2lb8NhRQKp3LqqdT5Ktt4KK.TRP.vqP4uZbT8iNOCaJPNdS4GYlWZXVgnd2Vh92ColKi1', 'enabled': True, 'id': '38b7db8a54d149ec900ff18be0c8983e', 'name': u'admin'}", "code": 500, "title": "Internal Server Error"}}. (HTTP 500)
2013-02-02 06:06:12 + ADMIN_USER=
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ keystone role-create --name admin
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ get_field 2
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ read data
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ grep ' id '
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ '[' 2 -lt 0 ']'
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ field='$3'
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ echo '|    id    | e52fd9a2a3a345e0a9fe7155256d5782 |'
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ awk '-F[ \t]*\\|[ \t]*' '{print $3}'
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ read data
2013-02-02 06:06:12 + ADMIN_ROLE=e52fd9a2a3a345e0a9fe7155256d5782
2013-02-02 06:06:12 + keystone user-role-add --user_id --role_id e52fd9a2a3a345e0a9fe7155256d5782 --tenant_id
2013-02-02 06:06:12 usage: keystone user-role-add --user-id <user-id> --role-id <role-id>
2013-02-02 06:06:12                               [--tenant-id <tenant-id>]
2013-02-02 06:06:12 keystone user-role-add: error: argument --user-id/--user_id: expected one argument
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ keystone tenant-create --name service
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ get_field 2
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ read data
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ grep ' id '
2013-02-02 06:06:12 Unable to communicate with identity service: {"error": {"message": "An unexpected error prevented the server from fulfilling your request. (ProgrammingError) relation \"project\" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO project (id, name, description, enabled, extra) ... ^ 'INSERT INTO project (id, name, description, enabled, extra) VALUES (%(id)s, %(name)s, %(description)s, %(enabled)s, %(extra)s)' {'extra': '{\"enabled\": true, \"description\": null}', 'enabled': None, 'id': 'd41fc19c5cf54a56842931a9caa19d1c', 'name': u'service', 'description': None}", "code": 500, "title": "Internal Server Error"}}. (HTTP 500)
2013-02-02 06:06:12 + SERVICE_TENANT=
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ keystone role-create --name=Member
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ get_field 2
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ read data
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ grep ' id '
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ '[' 2 -lt 0 ']'
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ field='$3'
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ echo '|    id    | d6f1cb4a4c944ff5b4c5f4e4851dfd51 |'
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ awk '-F[ \t]*\\|[ \t]*' '{print $3}'
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ read data
2013-02-02 06:06:12 + MEMBER_ROLE=d6f1cb4a4c944ff5b4c5f4e4851dfd51
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ keystone role-create --name=anotherrole
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ get_field 2
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ read data
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ grep ' id '
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ '[' 2 -lt 0 ']'
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ field='$3'
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ echo '|    id    | 285974b6b8ad4397b754d23ee0926764 |'
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ awk '-F[ \t]*\\|[ \t]*' '{print $3}'
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ read data
2013-02-02 06:06:12 + ANOTHER_ROLE=285974b6b8ad4397b754d23ee0926764
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ keystone tenant-create --name=invisible_to_admin
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ get_field 2
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ read data
2013-02-02 06:06:12 ++ grep ' id '
2013-02-02 06:06:14 Unable to communicate with identity service: {"error": {"message": "An unexpected error prevented the server from fulfilling your request. (ProgrammingError) relation \"project\" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO project (id, name, description, enabled, extra) ... ^ 'INSERT INTO project (id, name, description, enabled, extra) VALUES (%(id)s, %(name)s, %(description)s, %(enabled)s, %(extra)s)' {'extra': '{\"enabled\": true, \"description\": null}', 'enabled': None, 'id': '34c0f607b0a94eb4ae8b6a1f11054fcb', 'name': u'invisible_to_admin', 'description': None}", "code": 500, "title": "Internal Server Error"}}. (HTTP 500)
2013-02-02 06:06:14 + INVIS_TENANT=
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ get_field 2
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ read data
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ grep ' id '
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ keystone tenant-create --name=demo
2013-02-02 06:06:14 Unable to communicate with identity service: {"error": {"message": "An unexpected error prevented the server from fulfilling your request. (ProgrammingError) relation \"project\" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO project (id, name, description, enabled, extra) ... ^ 'INSERT INTO project (id, name, description, enabled, extra) VALUES (%(id)s, %(name)s, %(description)s, %(enabled)s, %(extra)s)' {'extra': '{\"enabled\": true, \"description\": null}', 'enabled': None, 'id': '157529f0105c4502b0694433a5126dcc', 'name': u'demo', 'description': None}", "code": 500, "title": "Internal Server Error"}}. (HTTP 500)
2013-02-02 06:06:14 + DEMO_TENANT=
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ keystone user-create --name demo --pass secret --email demo at example.com
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ get_field 2
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ read data
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ grep ' id '
2013-02-02 06:06:14 Unable to communicate with identity service: {"error": {"message": "An unexpected error prevented the server from fulfilling your request. (ProgrammingError) column \"password\" of relation \"user\" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO \"user\" (id, name, password, enabled, extra) VALU... ^ 'INSERT INTO \"user\" (id, name, password, enabled, extra) VALUES (%(id)s, %(name)s, %(password)s, %(enabled)s, %(extra)s)' {'extra': '{\"email\": \"demo at example.com\", \"tenantId\": null}', 'password': '$6$rounds=40000$30j7hxc.WheVrzeV$phRhjWwvd87RArvqxofw/h7n8UYQ0L4EDO8Hu0jwice.8ow7Sd4fg0Ot25nsXs2T5p1m8hg.Z9h1q0Pl3lMGD/', 'enabled': True, 'id': 'fc69cafc5d8b477d8e15b144f60d81f0', 'name': u'demo'}", "code": 500, "title": "Internal Server Error"}}. (HTTP 500)
2013-02-02 06:06:14 + DEMO_USER=
2013-02-02 06:06:14 + keystone user-role-add --user_id --role_id d6f1cb4a4c944ff5b4c5f4e4851dfd51 --tenant_id
2013-02-02 06:06:14 usage: keystone user-role-add --user-id <user-id> --role-id <role-id>
2013-02-02 06:06:14                               [--tenant-id <tenant-id>]
2013-02-02 06:06:14 keystone user-role-add: error: argument --user-id/--user_id: expected one argument
2013-02-02 06:06:14 + keystone user-role-add --user_id --role_id e52fd9a2a3a345e0a9fe7155256d5782 --tenant_id
2013-02-02 06:06:14 usage: keystone user-role-add --user-id <user-id> --role-id <role-id>
2013-02-02 06:06:14                               [--tenant-id <tenant-id>]
2013-02-02 06:06:14 keystone user-role-add: error: argument --user-id/--user_id: expected one argument
2013-02-02 06:06:14 + keystone user-role-add --user_id --role_id 285974b6b8ad4397b754d23ee0926764 --tenant_id
2013-02-02 06:06:14 usage: keystone user-role-add --user-id <user-id> --role-id <role-id>
2013-02-02 06:06:14                               [--tenant-id <tenant-id>]
2013-02-02 06:06:14 keystone user-role-add: error: argument --user-id/--user_id: expected one argument
2013-02-02 06:06:14 + keystone user-role-add --user_id --role_id d6f1cb4a4c944ff5b4c5f4e4851dfd51 --tenant_id
2013-02-02 06:06:14 usage: keystone user-role-add --user-id <user-id> --role-id <role-id>
2013-02-02 06:06:14                               [--tenant-id <tenant-id>]
2013-02-02 06:06:14 keystone user-role-add: error: argument --user-id/--user_id: expected one argument
2013-02-02 06:06:14 + [[ sql = \s\q\l ]]
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ keystone service-create --name keystone --type identity --description 'Keystone Identity Service'
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ get_field 2
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ read data
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ grep ' id '
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ '[' 2 -lt 0 ']'
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ field='$3'
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ echo '|      id     | a6166eaf6daf488a9331acf81f723b79 |'
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ awk '-F[ \t]*\\|[ \t]*' '{print $3}'
2013-02-02 06:06:14 ++ read data
2013-02-02 06:06:14 + KEYSTONE_SERVICE=a6166eaf6daf488a9331acf81f723b79
2013-02-02 06:06:14 + keystone endpoint-create --region RegionOne --service_id a6166eaf6daf488a9331acf81f723b79 --publicurl --adminurl --internalurl
2013-02-02 06:06:15 Unable to communicate with identity service: {"error": {"message": "An unexpected error prevented the server from fulfilling your request. (ProgrammingError) column \"interface\" of relation \"endpoint\" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO endpoint (id, interface, region, service_id, url... ^ 'INSERT INTO endpoint (id, interface, region, service_id, url, extra) VALUES (%(id)s, %(interface)s, %(region)s, %(service_id)s, %(url)s, %(extra)s)' {'extra': '{\"legacy_endpoint_id\": \"2c379249ed1c4f2c90f66a3f46bdc844\"}', 'url': u'', 'region': u'RegionOne', 'interface': 'admin', 'service_id': u'a6166eaf6daf488a9331acf81f723b79', 'id': 'f359730d59714338aef376ae4a2292f3'}", "code": 500, "title": "Internal Server Error"}}. (HTTP 500)
2013-02-02 06:06:15 ++ failed
2013-02-02 06:06:15 ++ local r=1
2013-02-02 06:06:15 +++ jobs -p
2013-02-02 06:06:15 ++ kill
2013-02-02 06:06:15 ++ set +o xtrace
2013-02-02 06:06:15 stack.sh failed: full log in /opt/stack/new/devstacklog.txt.2013-02-02-060245
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
[SCP] Connecting to static.openstack.org
[SCP] Trying to create /srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86
[SCP] Trying to create /srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/devstack-gate-cleanup-host.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/devstack-gate-setup-host.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/devstack-gate-setup-workspace-new.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/devstacklog.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/iptables.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/kern_log.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/localrc.txt'
[SCP] Trying to create /srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/rabbitmq
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/rabbitmq/rabbit at devstack-1359765055-sasl.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/rabbitmq/rabbit at devstack-1359765055.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/rabbitmq/startup_log.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/screen-key.txt'
[SCP] Trying to create /srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/sudoers.d
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/sudoers.d/50_stack_sh.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/sudoers.d/90-cloudimg-ubuntu.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/sudoers.d/README.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/sudoers.d/cinder-rootwrap.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/sudoers.d/jenkins-sudo-grep.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/sudoers.d/nova-rootwrap.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/sudoers.txt'
[SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-tempest-devstack-postgres-vm-full/86/logs/syslog.txt'
[SCP] Connecting to static.openstack.org
[SCP] Copying console log.

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