[Openstack-operators] [octavia][rocky] Octavia and VxLAN without DVR
Florian Engelmann
florian.engelmann at everyware.ch
Wed Oct 24 07:52:29 UTC 2018
Hi Michael,
yes I definitely would prefer to build a routed setup. Would it be an
option for you to provide some rough step by step "how-to" with
openvswitch in a non-DVR setup?
All the best,
Am 10/23/18 um 7:48 PM schrieb Michael Johnson:
> I am still catching up on e-mail from the weekend.
> There are a lot of different options for how to implement the
> lb-mgmt-network for the controller<->amphora communication. I can't
> talk to what options Kolla provides, but I can talk to how Octavia
> works.
> One thing to note on the lb-mgmt-net issue, if you can setup routes
> such that the controllers can reach the IP addresses used for the
> lb-mgmt-net, and that the amphora can reach the controllers, Octavia
> can run with a routed lb-mgmt-net setup. There is no L2 requirement
> between the controllers and the amphora instances.
> Michael
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 9:57 AM Erik McCormick
> <emccormick at cirrusseven.com> wrote:
>> So in your other email you said asked if there was a guide for
>> deploying it with Kolla ansible...
>> Oh boy. No there's not. I don't know if you've seen my recent mails on
>> Octavia, but I am going through this deployment process with
>> kolla-ansible right now and it is lacking in a few areas.
>> If you plan to use different CA certificates for client and server in
>> Octavia, you'll need to add that into the playbook. Presently it only
>> copies over ca_01.pem, cacert.key, and client.pem and uses them for
>> everything. I was completely unable to make it work with only one CA
>> as I got some SSL errors. It passes gate though, so I aasume it must
>> work? I dunno.
>> Networking comments and a really messy kolla-ansible / octavia how-to below...
>> On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 10:09 AM Florian Engelmann
>> <florian.engelmann at everyware.ch> wrote:
>>> Am 10/23/18 um 3:20 PM schrieb Erik McCormick:
>>>> On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 7:53 AM Florian Engelmann
>>>> <florian.engelmann at everyware.ch> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> We did test Octavia with Pike (DVR deployment) and everything was
>>>>> working right our of the box. We changed our underlay network to a
>>>>> Layer3 spine-leaf network now and did not deploy DVR as we don't wanted
>>>>> to have that much cables in a rack.
>>>>> Octavia is not working right now as the lb-mgmt-net does not exist on
>>>>> the compute nodes nor does a br-ex.
>>>>> The control nodes running
>>>>> octavia_worker
>>>>> octavia_housekeeping
>>>>> octavia_health_manager
>>>>> octavia_api
>>>>> and as far as I understood octavia_worker, octavia_housekeeping and
>>>>> octavia_health_manager have to talk to the amphora instances. But the
>>>>> control nodes are spread over three different leafs. So each control
>>>>> node in a different L2 domain.
>>>>> So the question is how to deploy a lb-mgmt-net network in our setup?
>>>>> - Compute nodes have no "stretched" L2 domain
>>>>> - Control nodes, compute nodes and network nodes are in L3 networks like
>>>>> api, storage, ...
>>>>> - Only network nodes are connected to a L2 domain (with a separated NIC)
>>>>> providing the "public" network
>>>> You'll need to add a new bridge to your compute nodes and create a
>>>> provider network associated with that bridge. In my setup this is
>>>> simply a flat network tied to a tagged interface. In your case it
>>>> probably makes more sense to make a new VNI and create a vxlan
>>>> provider network. The routing in your switches should handle the rest.
>>> Ok that's what I try right now. But I don't get how to setup something
>>> like a VxLAN provider Network. I thought only vlan and flat is supported
>>> as provider network? I guess it is not possible to use the tunnel
>>> interface that is used for tenant networks?
>>> So I have to create a separated VxLAN on the control and compute nodes like:
>>> # ip link add vxoctavia type vxlan id 42 dstport 4790 group
>>> dev vlan3535 ttl 5
>>> # ip addr add dev vxoctavia
>>> # ip link set vxoctavia up
>>> and use it like a flat provider network, true?
>> This is a fine way of doing things, but it's only half the battle.
>> You'll need to add a bridge on the compute nodes and bind it to that
>> new interface. Something like this if you're using openvswitch:
>> docker exec openvswitch_db
>> /usr/local/bin/kolla_ensure_openvswitch_configured br-mgmt vxoctavia
>> Also you'll want to remove the IP address from that interface as it's
>> going to be a bridge. Think of it like your public (br-ex) interface
>> on your network nodes.
>> From there you'll need to update the bridge mappings via kolla
>> overrides. This would usually be in /etc/kolla/config/neutron. Create
>> a subdirectory for your compute inventory group and create an
>> ml2_conf.ini there. So you'd end up with something like:
>> [root at kolla-deploy ~]# cat /etc/kolla/config/neutron/compute/ml2_conf.ini
>> [ml2_type_flat]
>> flat_networks = mgmt-net
>> [ovs]
>> bridge_mappings = mgmt-net:br-mgmt
>> run kolla-ansible --tags neutron reconfigure to push out the new
>> configs. Note that there is a bug where the neutron containers may not
>> restart after the change, so you'll probably need to do a 'docker
>> container restart neutron_openvswitch_agent' on each compute node.
>> At this point, you'll need to create the provider network in the admin
>> project like:
>> openstack network create --provider-network-type flat
>> --provider-physical-network mgmt-net lb-mgmt-net
>> And then create a normal subnet attached to this network with some
>> largeish address scope. I wouldn't use because docker
>> uses that by default. I'm not sure if it matters since the network
>> traffic will be isolated on a bridge, but it makes me paranoid so I
>> avoided it.
>> For your controllers, I think you can just let everything function off
>> your api interface since you're routing in your spines. Set up a
>> gateway somewhere from that lb-mgmt network and save yourself the
>> complication of adding an interface to your controllers. If you choose
>> to use a separate interface on your controllers, you'll need to make
>> sure this patch is in your kolla-ansible install or cherry pick it.
>> https://github.com/openstack/kolla-ansible/commit/0b6e401c4fdb9aa4ff87d0bfd4b25c91b86e0d60#diff-6c871f6865aecf0057a5b5f677ae7d59
>> I don't think that's been backported at all, so unless you're running
>> off master you'll need to go get it.
>> From here on out, the regular Octavia instruction should serve you.
>> Create a flavor, Create a security group, and capture their UUIDs
>> along with the UUID of the provider network you made. Override them in
>> globals.yml with:
>> octavia_amp_boot_network_list: <uuid>
>> octavia_amp_secgroup_list: <uuid>
>> octavia_amp_flavor_id: <uuid>
>> This is all from my scattered notes and bad memory. Hopefully it makes
>> sense. Corrections welcome.
>> -Erik
>>>> -Erik
>>>>> All the best,
>>>>> Florian
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EveryWare AG
Florian Engelmann
Systems Engineer
Zurlindenstrasse 52a
CH-8003 Zürich
tel: +41 44 466 60 00
fax: +41 44 466 60 10
mail: mailto:florian.engelmann at everyware.ch
web: http://www.everyware.ch
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