[Openstack-operators] Fwd: Nova hypervisor uuid

Ignazio Cassano ignaziocassano at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 06:49:21 UTC 2018

Hello Mattm
Yes I mean sometimes I have same host/node names with different uuid in
compute_nodes table in nova database
I must delete nodes with uuid those not match with nova-hypervisor list
At this time I have the following:
MariaDB [nova]> select hypervisor_hostname,uuid,deleted from compute_nodes;
| hypervisor_hostname | uuid                                 | deleted |
| tst2-kvm02          | 802b21c2-11fb-4426-86b9-bf25c8a5ae1d |       0 |
| tst2-kvm01          | ce27803b-06cd-44a7-b927-1fa42c813b0f |       0 |
2 rows in set (0,00 sec)

But sometimes old uuid are inserted in the table .
I deleted again them.
I restarted kvm nodes and now the table is ok.
I also restarded each controller and the tables is ok.
I do not know because 3 days ago I had same compute nodes names with
different uuids.

Thanks and Regards

Il giorno mer 28 nov 2018 alle ore 17:54 Matt Riedemann <mriedemos at gmail.com>
ha scritto:

> On 11/28/2018 4:19 AM, Ignazio Cassano wrote:
> > Hi Matt, sorry but I lost your answer and Gianpiero forwarded it to me.
> > I am sure kvm nodes names are note changed.
> > Tables where uuid are duplicated are:
> > dataresource_providers in nova_api db
> > compute_nodes in nova db
> > Regards
> > Ignazio
> It would be easier if you simply dumped the result of a select query on
> the compute_nodes table where the duplicate nodes exist (you said
> duplicate UUIDs but I think you mean duplicate host/node names with
> different UUIDs, correct?).
> There is a unique constraint on host/hypervisor_hostname
> (nodename)/deleted:
>          schema.UniqueConstraint(
>              'host', 'hypervisor_hostname', 'deleted',
>              name="uniq_compute_nodes0host0hypervisor_hostname0deleted"),
> So I'm wondering if the deleted field is not 0 on one of those because
> if one is marked as deleted, then the compute service will create a new
> compute_nodes table record on startup (and associated resource provider).
> --
> Thanks,
> Matt
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