[Openstack-operators] [nova][ironic][scheduler][placement] IMPORTANT: Getting rid of the automated reschedule functionality

Dan Smith dms at danplanet.com
Mon May 22 20:53:27 UTC 2017

> In a no-reschedules-by-nova world, if a deploy fails on host 1, how does
> the orchestrator (whatever that may be) ask nova to deploy in such a way
> that it'll still try to find a good host, but *avoid* host 1?  If host 1
> was an attractive candidate the first time around, wouldn't it be likely
> to remain high on the list the second time?

Well, (a) today you can't really externally retry a single instance
build without just creating a new one. The new one could suffer the same
fate, but that's why we just did the auto-disable feature for nova-compute.

Thing (b) is that if we fix rebuild so it works on a failed
shell-of-an-instance from a boot operation, we could easily exclude the
host it failed on, but it'd require some additional logic.


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