[Openstack-operators] [nova][ironic][scheduler][placement] IMPORTANT: Getting rid of the automated reschedule functionality

James Penick jpenick at gmail.com
Mon May 22 18:45:33 UTC 2017

On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 10:54 AM, Jay Pipes <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ops,
> Hi!

> For class b) causes, we should be able to solve this issue when the
> placement service understands affinity/anti-affinity (maybe Queens/Rocky).
> Until then, we propose that instead of raising a Reschedule when an
> affinity constraint was last-minute violated due to a racing scheduler
> decision, that we simply set the instance to an ERROR state.
> Personally, I have only ever seen anti-affinity/affinity use cases in
> relation to NFV deployments, and in every NFV deployment of OpenStack there
> is a VNFM or MANO solution that is responsible for the orchestration of
> instances belonging to various service function chains. I think it is
> reasonable to expect the MANO system to be responsible for attempting a
> re-launch of an instance that was set to ERROR due to a last-minute
> affinity violation.

> **Operators, do you agree with the above?**

I do not. My affinity and anti-affinity use cases reflect the need to build
large applications across failure domains in a datacenter.

Anti-affinity: Most anti-affinity use cases relate to the ability to
guarantee that instances are scheduled across failure domains, others
relate to security compliance.

Affinity: Hadoop/Big data deployments have affinity use cases, where nodes
processing data need to be in the same rack as the nodes which house the
data. This is a common setup for large hadoop deployers.

> I recognize that large Ironic users expressed their concerns about
> IPMI/BMC communication being unreliable and not wanting to have users
> manually retry a baremetal instance launch. But, on this particular point,
> I'm of the opinion that Nova just do one thing and do it well. Nova isn't
> an orchestrator, nor is it intending to be a "just continually try to get
> me to this eventual state" system like Kubernetes.

Kubernetes is a larger orchestration platform that provides autoscale. I
don't expect Nova to provide autoscale, but

I agree that Nova should do one thing and do it really well, and in my mind
that thing is reliable provisioning of compute resources. Kubernetes does
autoscale among other things. I'm not asking for Nova to provide Autoscale,
I -AM- asking OpenStack's compute platform to provision a discrete compute
resource reliably. This means overcoming common and simple error cases. As
a deployer of OpenStack I'm trying to build a cloud that wraps the chaos of
infrastructure, and present a reliable facade. When my users issue a boot
request, I want to see if fulfilled. I don't expect it to be a 100%
guarantee across any possible failure, but I expect (and my users demand)
that my "Infrastructure as a service" API make reasonable accommodation to
overcome common failures.

> If we removed Reschedule for class c) failures entirely, large Ironic
> deployers would have to train users to manually retry a failed launch or
> would need to write a simple retry mechanism into whatever client/UI that
> they expose to their users.
> **Ironic operators, would the above decision force you to abandon Nova as
> the multi-tenant BMaaS facility?**
 I just glanced at one of my production clusters and found there are around
7K users defined, many of whom use OpenStack on a daily basis. When they
issue a boot call, they expect that request to be honored. From their
perspective, if they call AWS, they get what they ask for. If you remove
reschedules you're not just breaking the expectation of a single deployer,
but for my thousands of engineers who, every day, rely on OpenStack to
manage their stack.

I don't have a "i'll take my football and go home" mentality. But if you
remove the ability for the compute provisioning API to present a reliable
facade over infrastructure, I have to go write something else, or patch it
back in. Now it's even harder for me to get and stay current with OpenStack.

During the summit the agreement was, if I recall, that reschedules would
happen within a cell, and not between the parent and cell. That was
completely acceptable to me.

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