[Openstack-operators] Problems with ec2-service on Ocata
Massimo Sgaravatto
massimo.sgaravatto at gmail.com
Wed Jun 7 16:18:09 UTC 2017
We are trying to configure the ec2-service on a Ocata OpenStack
If I try a euca-describe-images it works, but if I try to get the list of
instances (euca-describe-instances) it fails.
Looking at the log [*], it looks like to me that it initially uses the
correct nova endpoint:
but then it tries to use:
i.e. http instead of https, and the connection fails, as expected.
I am not able to understand why it tries to use that endpoint ...
Any hints ?
Thanks, Massimo
2017-06-07 18:10:10.371 16470 DEBUG ec2api.wsgi.server [-] (16470) accepted
('', 45185) server
2017-06-07 18:10:10.549 16470 DEBUG ec2api.api
[req-7aa79c03-bf95-4e4d-9795-0c7d2d2b84a2 30de175a645a4258984bdb89cbf436f5
b9629ae5c480455397cfaa5ab0c2db43 - - -] action: DescribeInstances __call__
2017-06-07 18:10:10.565 16470 DEBUG novaclient.v2.client
[req-7aa79c03-bf95-4e4d-9795-0c7d2d2b84a2 30de175a645a4258984bdb89cbf436f5
b9629ae5c480455397cfaa5ab0c2db43 - - -] REQ: curl -g -i --cacert
"/etc/grid-security/certificates/INFN-CA-2015.pem" -X GET
https://cloud-areapd-test.pd.infn.it:8774/v2.1 -H "User-Agent:
python-novaclient" -H "Accept: application/json" -H
"X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version: 2.1" -H "X-Auth-Token:
{SHA1}9f9eb3c7cea14ac54b243338281afa0a59b3d06b" _http_log_request
2017-06-07 18:10:11.320 16470 DEBUG novaclient.v2.client
[req-7aa79c03-bf95-4e4d-9795-0c7d2d2b84a2 30de175a645a4258984bdb89cbf436f5
b9629ae5c480455397cfaa5ab0c2db43 - - -] RESP: [302] Content-Type:
text/plain; charset=utf8 Location:
http://cloud-areapd-test.pd.infn.it:8774/v2.1/ X-Compute-Request-Id:
req-6ed38429-784b-4fc9-a80d-f886b106ba6e Content-Length: 0 Date: Wed, 07
Jun 2017 16:10:11 GMT Connection: close
RESP BODY: Omitted, Content-Type is set to text/plain; charset=utf8. Only
application/json responses have their bodies logged.
2017-06-07 18:10:11.323 16470 ERROR ec2api.api
[req-7aa79c03-bf95-4e4d-9795-0c7d2d2b84a2 30de175a645a4258984bdb89cbf436f5
b9629ae5c480455397cfaa5ab0c2db43 - - -] Unexpected ConnectFailure raised:
Unable to establish connection to
2017-06-07 18:10:11.323 16470 ERROR ec2api.api Traceback (most recent call
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