[Openstack-operators] Ops Midcycle - Seating Limited Reserve Your Spot!

Melvin Hillsman mrhillsman at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 14:52:34 UTC 2017

Good day everyone,


We have been hard at work planning another great Ops Mid-cycle! Seating is limited so you will want to rush over to - https://opsmidcycle_march2017.eventbrite.com - to reserve your spot.


Also, we still want your feedback on the sessions and we need your +1s. We are in the process of writing the agenda and therefore it is very important you get your vote in now on a session or two or all. You can find the planning etherpad here - https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MIL-ops-meetup


REMEMBER! Even if you are not attending in person, you can still vote! We want to hear from you.


***Note***: This event assumes OpenStack ops knowledge and is _not_ appropriate for beginners, or a place to learn about OpenStack. The event contains relatively few 'presentations' and is mostly a discussion-style event. To find other OpenStack events in your area, please visit www.openstack.org/events.


Kind regards,


Melvin Hillsman
Ops Technical LeadOpenStack Innovation Center
mrhillsman at gmail.comphone: (210) 312-1267mobile: (210) 413-1659Learner | Ideation | Belief | Responsibility | Command


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