[Openstack-operators] What would you like in Pike?

Amrith Kumar amrith.kumar at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 13:09:13 UTC 2017

I echo this sentiment; attaching a single Cinder volume or a group of volumes in a consistency group to multiple instances would be something I’d like to see in Pike.




From: Yaguang Tang [mailto:heut2008 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2017 7:57 AM
To: Joshua Harlow <harlowja at fastmail.com>
Cc: OpenStack Operators <openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] What would you like in Pike?


I'd like to see this feature  "Attach a single volume to multiple instances" https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/multi-attach-volume to be implmented in Nova side. 


This feature has been working for more than two years, but hasn't been accepted by upstream...


On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 2:53 PM, Joshua Harlow <harlowja at fastmail.com <mailto:harlowja at fastmail.com> > wrote:

I'll add a couple:

Cascading deletes,

Ie when a tenant/project/user is removed from keystone there should be someway to say deny that request if that tenant/project/user has active resources or there should be a away to cascade that delete through the rest of those resources (so they are deleted also).

Orphans (not the annie kind),

Pretty sure the osops-tools-generic repo contains a bunch of scripts around orphaned items cleanup; this seems *similar* to the above and it feels these should be like umm fixed (or those scripts should be deleted if its not an issue anymore)?

$ find . | grep -i "orphan"

Same with https://github.com/openstack/ospurge (which seems like a specific project to try to clean this mess up, sorta funny/sad? that it has to exist in the first place).

Just search google for 'openstack orphan cleanup' and you'll find more scripts and code that people have been writing...


Melvin Hillsman wrote:

Hey everyone,

I am hoping to get a dialogue started to gain some insight around things
Operators, Application Developers, and End Users would like to see
happen in Pike. If you had a dedicated environment, dedicated team, and
freedom to choose how you deployed, new features, older features,
enhancements, etc, and were not required to deal with customer/client
tickets, calls, and maintenances, could keep a good feedback loop
between your team and the upstream community of any project, what would
like to make happen or work on hoping the next release of OpenStack

Kind regards,


*Melvin Hillsman*

Ops Technical Lead

OpenStack Innovation Center

_mrhillsman at gmail.com <mailto:mrhillsman at gmail.com>  <mailto:mrhillsman at gmail.com <mailto:mrhillsman at gmail.com> >_

phone: (210) 312-1267 <tel:%28210%29%20312-1267> 

mobile: (210) 413-1659 <tel:%28210%29%20413-1659> 

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Tang Yaguang




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