[Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev] Large Contributing OpenStack Operators working group?
Edgar Magana
edgar.magana at workday.com
Fri Feb 3 15:22:25 UTC 2017
Jay and All,
I want to clarify and be very clear about one point that you raised: “My questions seem to have been taken as an attack on the LCOO.”
Your questions and valid and good feedback for us as community. Nobody should feel like “an attack” when somebody else ask those questions. Now, I also encourage direct communication when email does not work.
IRC could help and also attending the team meetings. LCOO is doing their best to follow the “Open Community” standards but you and everybody needs to understand that sometimes is hard for new Working Groups to ramp out quickly on those.
So, let’s keep all the conversations. Let’s all keep having a nice and collaborating community.
Have a nice weekend!
Edgar Magana, PhD
Workday Cloud Operations Architect
OpenStack Foundation, User Community
On 2/3/17, 7:14 AM, "Jay Pipes" <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:
Leong, thanks so much for responding. Comments/followup questions inline.
On 02/02/2017 09:07 PM, Sun, Yih Leong wrote:
> LCOO was initiated by a group of large telco who contributes/uses OpenStack, such as AT&T, NTT, Reliance Jio, Orange, etc [1].
> The co-chair has reached out to Product WG for collaboration (refer IRC meeting logs). The team is working on plans to structure/define LCOO use cases.
My question here is what makes the LCOO use cases different from, say,
the Telco Operator working group's use cases? Or the Massively
Distributed working group's use cases? Or the Enterprise working group's
use cases?
Is the difference that the LCOO's use cases are stories that are
important for the LCOO member companies?
> Use case requirements (while still work-in-progress) can span across multiple areas which might/might-not covered by existing Team/WG.
Understood. Is the plan of the LCOO to identify use cases that are
covered by other working groups, contribute resources to develop that
use case, but have that existing working group handle the product
management (spec/blueprint/communication/roadmap) stuff?
> I'm sure LCOO will reach out to various projects for collaboration, stay tuned...
My questions seem to have been taken as an attack on the LCOO. I was
hoping to avoid that. I'm sincerely hoping to see the outreach to
various projects and am eager to collaborate with developers and
operators from the LCOO companies. I'm just confused what the
relationship between the LCOO and the existing working groups is.
> [1] https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__etherpad.openstack.org_p_LCOO-5FParticipants&d=DwIDaQ&c=DS6PUFBBr_KiLo7Sjt3ljp5jaW5k2i9ijVXllEdOozc&r=G0XRJfDQsuBvqa_wpWyDAUlSpeMV4W1qfWqBfctlWwQ&m=POkjM8yttmPua_pM06Q79X9eGtuuNJ1QjYzrd6Ez3s8&s=nzN3OPVmhleW6QePTSsbrn_Qq-X9wWm1G4xZmlno5ww&e=
> Thanks!
> ---
> Yih Leong Sun, PhD
> Senior Software Cloud Architect | Open Source Technology Center | Intel Corporation
> yih.leong.sun at intel.com | +1 503 264 0610
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay Pipes [mailto:jaypipes at gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2017 5:23 PM
> To: Edgar Magana <edgar.magana at workday.com>; openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org; user-committee at lists.openstack.org
> Cc: MCCABE, JAMEY A <jm6819 at att.com>; UKASICK, ANDREW <au3678 at att.com>
> Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev] Large Contributing OpenStack Operators working group?
> On 02/02/2017 05:02 PM, Edgar Magana wrote:
>> Jay,
>> I am including the WG chairs to make sure they answers your questions and addresses your concerns.
>> In Barcelona the UC asked exactly the same questions and recommended to the co-chairs of the LCOO WG to work with the existing WG to identify overlapping activities and either to work together or go ahead with the WG if there were not overlapping on goals and deliverables.
> Was there any follow-on from that request from the UC?
>> I will let the co-chairs to follow up yours questions. BTW. I do not think this topic should be posted in the openstack-dev mailing list. So, I will BCC it.
> Sure, no problem.
>> Andrew and Jamey,
>> Please, address these questions. Let’s work all together to make sure that we have all groups aligned and coordinated.
> Thanks, Edgar, appreciated. Andrew and Jamey, please do let me know if you would like me to rephrase or elaborate on any questions. Happy to do so. I genuinely want to see alignment with other groups in this effort.
> Best,
> -jay
>> Thanks,
>> Edgar
>> On 2/2/17, 12:14 PM, "Jay Pipes" <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was told about this group today. I have a few questions. Hopefully
>> someone from this team can illuminate me with some answers.
>> 1) What is the purpose of this group? The wiki states that the team
>> "aims to define the use cases and identify and prioritise the
>> requirements which are needed to deploy, manage, and run services on top
>> of OpenStack. This work includes identifying functional gaps, creating
>> blueprints, submitting and reviewing patches to the relevant OpenStack
>> projects, contributing to working those items, tracking their completion."
>> What is the difference between the LCOO and the following existing
>> working groups?
>> * Large Deployment Team
>> * Massively Distributed Team
>> * Product Working Group
>> * Telco/NFV Working Group
>> 2) According to the wiki page, only companies that are "Multi-Cloud
>> Operator[s] and/or Network Service Provider[s]" are welcome in this
>> team. Why is the team called "Large Contributing OpenStack Operators" if
>> it's only for Telcos? Further, if this is truly only for Telcos, why
>> isn't the Telco/NFV working group appropriate?
>> 3) Under the "Guiding principles" section of the above wiki, the top
>> principle is "Align with the OpenStack Foundation". If this is the case,
>> why did the group move its content to the closed Atlassian Confuence
>> platform? Why does the group have a set of separate Slack channels
>> instead of using the OpenStack mailing lists and IRC channels? Why is
>> the OPNFV Jira used for tracking work items for the LCOO agenda?
>> See https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__wiki.openstack.org_wiki_Gluon_Tasks-2DOcata&d=DwICAg&c=DS6PUFBBr_KiLo7Sjt3ljp5jaW5k2i9ijVXllEdOozc&r=G0XRJfDQsuBvqa_wpWyDAUlSpeMV4W1qfWqBfctlWwQ&m=haOSpIhsa6KyDvuhRFigFVTLrTJxJ1Zv3kfm0JwTTtY&s=kntt00JEwpizTxQus4U9FhnwF_7WicJ7oRncGmkYPGc&e= for examples.
>> 4) I see a lot of agenda items around projects like Gluon, Craton,
>> Watcher, and Blazar. I don't see any concrete ideas about talking with
>> the developers of the key infrastructure services that OpenStack is
>> built around. How does the LCOO plan on reaching out to the developers
>> of the long-standing OpenStack projects like Nova, Neutron, Cinder, and
>> Keystone to drive their shared agenda?
>> Thanks for reading and (hopefully) answering.
>> -jay
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