[Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev] [nova][glance] Who needs multiple api_servers?
Mike Dorman
mdorman at godaddy.com
Thu Apr 27 23:15:13 UTC 2017
We make extensive use of the [glance]/api_servers list. We configure that on hypervisors to direct them to Glance servers which are more “local” network-wise (in order to reduce network traffic across security zones/firewalls/etc.) This way nova-compute can fail over in case one of the Glance servers in the list is down, without putting them behind a load balancer. We also don’t run https for these “internal” Glance calls, to save the overhead when transferring images.
End-user calls to Glance DO go through a real load balancer and then are distributed out to the Glance servers on the backend. From the end-user’s perspective, I totally agree there should be one, and only one URL.
However, we would be disappointed to see the change you’re suggesting implemented. We would lose the redundancy we get now by providing a list. Or we would have to shunt all the calls through the user-facing endpoint, which would generate a lot of extra traffic (in places where we don’t want it) for image transfers.
On 4/27/17, 4:02 PM, "Matt Riedemann" <mriedemos at gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/27/2017 4:52 PM, Eric Fried wrote:
> Y'all-
> TL;DR: Does glance ever really need/use multiple endpoint URLs?
> I'm working on bp use-service-catalog-for-endpoints[1], which intends
> to deprecate disparate conf options in various groups, and centralize
> acquisition of service endpoint URLs. The idea is to introduce
> nova.utils.get_service_url(group) -- note singular 'url'.
> One affected conf option is [glance]api_servers[2], which currently
> accepts a *list* of endpoint URLs. The new API will only ever return *one*.
> Thus, as planned, this blueprint will have the side effect of
> deprecating support for multiple glance endpoint URLs in Pike, and
> removing said support in Queens.
> Some have asserted that there should only ever be one endpoint URL for
> a given service_type/interface combo[3]. I'm fine with that - it
> simplifies things quite a bit for the bp impl - but wanted to make sure
> there were no loudly-dissenting opinions before we get too far down this
> path.
> [1]
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/use-service-catalog-for-endpoints
> [2]
> https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/7e7bdb198ed6412273e22dea72e37a6371fce8bd/nova/conf/glance.py#L27-L37
> [3]
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-keystone/%23openstack-keystone.2017-04-27.log.html#t2017-04-27T20:38:29
> Thanks,
> Eric Fried (efried)
> .
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