[Openstack-operators] [scientific] Resource reservation requirements (Blazar) - Forum session
Blair Bethwaite
blair.bethwaite at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 13:43:18 UTC 2017
Hi Tim,
It does seem feasible, but imagine the aggregate juggling... it's
something of an indictment that from where we are today this seems
like a step forward. I'm not a fan of pushing that load onto operators
when it seems like what we actually need is fully-fledged workload
scheduling in Nova.
On 5 April 2017 at 04:48, Tim Bell <Tim.Bell at cern.ch> wrote:
> Some combination of spot/OPIE and Blazar would seem doable as long as the resource provider reserves capacity appropriately (i.e. spot resources>>blazar committed along with no non-spot requests for the same aggregate).
> Is this feasible?
> Tim
> On 04.04.17, 19:21, "Jay Pipes" <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 04/03/2017 06:07 PM, Blair Bethwaite wrote:
> > Hi Jay,
> >
> > On 4 April 2017 at 00:20, Jay Pipes <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> However, implementing the above in any useful fashion requires that Blazar
> >> be placed *above* Nova and essentially that the cloud operator turns off
> >> access to Nova's POST /servers API call for regular users. Because if not,
> >> the information that Blazar acts upon can be simply circumvented by any user
> >> at any time.
> >
> > That's something of an oversimplification. A reservation system
> > outside of Nova could manipulate Nova host-aggregates to "cordon off"
> > infrastructure from on-demand access (I believe Blazar already uses
> > this approach), and it's not much of a jump to imagine operators being
> > able to twiddle the available reserved capacity in a finite cloud so
> > that reserved capacity can be offered to the subset of users/projects
> > that need (or perhaps have paid for) it.
> Sure, I'm following you up until here.
> > Such a reservation system would even be able to backfill capacity
> > between reservations. At the end of the reservation the system
> > cleans-up any remaining instances and preps for the next
> > reservation.
> By "backfill capacity between reservations", do you mean consume
> resources on the compute hosts that are "reserved" by this paying
> customer at some date in the future? i.e. Spot instances that can be
> killed off as necessary by the reservation system to free resources to
> meet its reservation schedule?
> > The are a couple of problems with putting this outside of Nova though.
> > The main issue is that pre-emptible/spot type instances can't be
> > accommodated within the on-demand cloud capacity.
> Correct. The reservation system needs complete control over a subset of
> resource providers to be used for these spot instances. It would be like
> a hotel reservation system being used for a motel where cars could
> simply pull up to a room with a vacant sign outside the door. The
> reservation system would never be able to work on accurate data unless
> some part of the motel's rooms were carved out for reservation system to
> use and cars to not pull up and take.
> > You could have the
> > reservation system implementing this feature, but that would then put
> > other scheduling constraints on the cloud in order to be effective
> > (e.g., there would need to be automation changing the size of the
> > on-demand capacity so that the maximum pre-emptible capacity was
> > always available). The other issue (admittedly minor, but still a
> > consideration) is that it's another service - personally I'd love to
> > see Nova support these advanced use-cases directly.
> Welcome to the world of microservices. :)
> -jay
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