[Openstack-operators] [cloudkitty] Looking for use-cases to extend Cloudkitty, let's meet in Barcelona !

Christophe Sauthier christophe.sauthier at objectif-libre.com
Tue Oct 18 08:37:17 UTC 2016

Dear ops !

In the Cloudkitty team (as a reminder it is used for chargeback and 
rating and it is in the Big Tent) we are heavily looking for use-cases 
that you're experiencing.
We are doing our best with the people we have around us, but I am sure 
we are lacking many use-cases.
I am sure many of you will go to the OpenStack Summit in Barcelona, and 
the good thing is so are we !

I would be really really interested to meet you in person, especially 
if you have a chargeback or rating project/need or if you are already 
doing so...

Please drop me an email so that we can arrange a quick chat there or 
catch me at the D26 booth (Objectif Lilbre) where I should be hanging 
when I am not attending a talk...

       Christohe Sauthier, PTL of Cloudkitty

Christophe Sauthier                       Mail : 
christophe.sauthier at objectif-libre.com
CEO                                       Mob : +33 (0) 6 16 98 63 96
Objectif Libre                            URL : www.objectif-libre.com
Au service de votre Cloud                 Twitter : @objectiflibre

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