[Openstack-operators] l3 ha using vrrp

Matt Kassawara mkassawara at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 23:02:57 UTC 2016

The networking guide for Liberty currently references configuration for
Kilo. I'm planning to update it for Liberty over the next several weeks. In
the meantime, only a few configuration items change and concepts remain the

The installation guide changed from OVS to Linux bridge for Liberty. You
can more or less follow the legacy OVS scenario [1] in the networking guide
to deploy OVS on Liberty.


On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 9:07 AM, Akshay Kumar Sanghai <
akshaykumarsanghai at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> Is the current networking guide for liberty not updated?
> One more thing, where can i find ubuntu installation of openstack with ovs
> as l2 agent?
> Thanks,
> Akshay
> On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 8:32 PM, Matt Kassawara <mkassawara at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Only the controller (running neutron-server) contains the ML2 plug-in
>> ([ml2*] options in ml2_conf.ini) and schedules routers (L3 options
>> neutron.conf). Use of ml2_conf.ini on other nodes is a bit misleading.
>> However, prior to Liberty, configuration for L2 agents that reside on
>> network/compute nodes commonly went into ml2_conf.ini for convenience.
>> Liberty uses openvswitch_agent.ini or linuxbridge_agent.ini for L2 agent
>> configuration, therefore eliminating the ml2_conf.ini file from
>> network/compute nodes. Updates to the networking guide for Liberty will
>> reflect this change.
>> On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 6:12 AM, Akshay Kumar Sanghai <
>> akshaykumarsanghai at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was following this link
>>> http://docs.openstack.org/liberty/networking-guide/scenario_l3ha_ovs.html
>>> for the setup of l3 ha using vrrp.
>>> I followed the kilo ubuntu installtion guide for multi node setup of
>>> openstack.
>>> In the configuration for controller node, in neutron.conf file , there
>>> are some changes for l3 ha,
>>> like l3_ha, max_l3_agents_per_router.
>>> But in the configuration for network node and controller node, in
>>> neutron.conf file, there is no change introduced. Same for the ml2_conf.ini
>>> file
>>> Why is this so? Does it because we have already done the configuration
>>> for neutron.conf in controller node ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Akshay
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