[Openstack-operators] Integrating flat and gre external network together.

Miguel A Diaz Corchero miguelangel.diaz at externos.ciemat.es
Wed Jun 10 10:15:37 UTC 2015

Hi James.

I replaced the external gre with flat and everything works like a charm.


El 09/06/15 14:14, James Denton escribió:
> Hi Miguel,
> An external network should really be a vlan or flat network that has 
> some external gateway in your environment. Although sometimes gre and 
> vxlan network types are defined in the external provider network 
> configuration, it's usually seen when the external bridge is br-ex 
> (default) and the bridge is not handled by OVS (meaning there are no 
> flows). Ultimately, the interface in br-ex handles how traffic gets 
> tagged and the provider attributes are ignored.
> Hope that helps.
> James
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 9, 2015, at 6:43 AM, Miguel A Diaz Corchero 
> <miguelangel.diaz at externos.ciemat.es 
> <mailto:miguelangel.diaz at externos.ciemat.es>> wrote:
>> I'm wondering  if it is possible to create multiple external networks 
>> mixing gre and flat types.
>> This is the current schema of networks:
>> /internal networks -> gre//
>> //em2 -> gre//
>> //p3p1 -> flat/
>> These are the configuration files
>> *plugin.ini*
>> [ml2]
>> type_drivers = gre, flat
>> ...
>> [ml2_type_flat]
>> flat_networks = p3p1
>> ...
>> [ovs]
>> local_ip =
>> tunnel_type = gre
>> enable_tunneling = True
>> network_vlan_ranges = p3p1
>> bridge_mappings = p3p1:br-ex-p3p1 (*only flat**??*)
>> *l3_agent.ini*
>> ...
>> gateway_external_network_id =
>> handle_internal_only_routers = True
>> external_network_bridge =
>> After this configuration, only new routers attached to gre external 
>> networks are not pingable from outside. The instances can ping to 
>> router but not outside.
>> The routers created under flat network work fine.
>> Any idea to integrate/repair flat and gre external networks together?
>> Miguel.
>> -- 
>> /Miguel Angel Díaz Corchero/
>> /*System Administrator / Researcher*/
>> /c/ Sola nº 1; 10200 TRUJILLO, SPAIN/
>> /Tel: +34 927 65 93 17 Fax: +34 927 32 32 37/
>> <image001.png> <http://www.ceta-ciemat.es/>
>> /
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