[Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev][openstack-operators]flush expired tokens and moves deleted instance

Fischer, Matt matthew.fischer at twcable.com
Tue Jan 27 18:49:26 UTC 2015

On 1/27/15, 10:21 AM, "gustavo panizzo (gfa)" <gfa at zumbi.com.ar> wrote:

>On 01/28/2015 01:13 AM, Fischer, Matt wrote:
>> Our keystone database is clustered across regions, so we have this job
>> running on node1 in each site on alternating hours. I don¹t think you¹d
>> want a bunch of cron jobs firing off all at once to cleanup tokens on
>> multiple clustered nodes. That¹s one reason I know not to put this in
>> the code.
>i prefer a cronjob to something on the code that i have to test,
>configure and possible troubleshot
>besides, i think is well documented. i don't see a problem there.
>maybe distributions could ship the script into /etc/cron.daily by
>default? i would remove it on my case but is a good default for simple
>openstack installs
>1AE0 322E B8F7 4717 BDEA BF1D 44BB 1BA7 9F6C 6333

Just to be clear we¹re also using cronjobs, we just configure and set them
up with puppet, so not really custom code. If the package starts
installing them, we¹ll just remove them with puppet and do our own again

What I¹d like to know is whether there are reasons that someone might want
to keep their tokens and not have this running by default.

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