[Openstack-operators] Draft agenda for PHL Ops Meetup (9-10 March)

Tom Fifield tom at openstack.org
Fri Feb 13 07:01:58 UTC 2015

Hi all,

Registrations are going well for our meetup in Philly. If you're on the
fence, hopefully this discussion will get you quickly over the line so
you don't miss out!


So, I've taken our several hundred suggestions and attempted to wrangle
them into something that would fit in the space we have over 2 days.

As a reminder, we have two different kind of sessions - General
Sessions, which are interactive planning discussions for the operator
community, and**Working groups**focus on specific topics aiming to make
concrete tasks in that area.

Etherpads are linked from the sessions which may or may not have further
Some things have been muddled - for example, compliance is under
security, and stacktach/monasca discussion etc I expect would happen in
the Tools/Monitoring WG as it's a 90 minute session and conversation
could be more wide ranging. Also trying for the first time to gather
some "Burning Issues" together for hopefully quick responses to be
determined. Embedded in there is also the idea of a working lunch for
those interested in certain topics.

Anyway, take a look at the below and reply with your comments!

*Monday 9 March*
9-10 	Registration 	
1000-1030 	Introduction 	
1030-1115 	OVS - issues/fixes/best practices
1115-1200 	Security at the host level
1200-1330 	Lunch (inc ops project discussion)
1330-15 (breakouts) 	Application Ecosystem
	Tools/Monitoring <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PHL-ops-tools-wg>
Large Deployments
1500-1530 	Coffee
1530-1545 	Breakout Reports 	
1545-1630 	Tags Discussion <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PHL-ops-tags> 	
1630-1700 	What hardware are you running?
17-18 	Arch Show&Tell
18-21 	Evening Event

*Tuesday 10 March*
0900-0945 	Rabbit HA and queue issues
0945-1030 	Nova Feedback - Cells v2, Heirachical Project Quotas
1030-1045 	Coffee 	
1045-1115 	Network performance optimisation
1115-1200 	Capacity Management
1200-1315 	Lunch (inc config management discussions) 	
1315-1330 	Breakout Intro 	
1330-1500 (breakouts) 	Testing/Interop
	Packaging <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PHL-ops-packaging> 	Telco
<https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PHL-ops-telco> 	Burning Issues
1500-1515 	Coffee 	
1515-1530 	Breakout Reports 	
1530-1600 	Arch Show&Tell
1600-1630 	Feedback (inc YVR chat)/Close

There will be a followup email shortly regarding moderators for the
sessions - thanks to those who volunteered so far!


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