[Openstack-operators] Cinde block storage HA
Juan José Pavlik Salles
jjpavlik at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 01:12:40 UTC 2014
Just to wrap it up a little bit, today I added an extra cinder node acting
as failover, and it seems to work just fine. I didn't use HA-LVM nor CLVM,
just plain LVM as pacemaker resources, so far so good.
I've got something to sort out yet:
-When I create a new volume the proper tgt target file is created under
/var/lib/cinder/volumes/, BUT the file is created in the Active node, so if
the active node fails and the passive one comes in, this new target won't
be available at all.
How could I make sure that both folders remain synced? I'd like to avoid
using NFS or anything like it, just not to make things MORE complicated.
Is it possible to populate this folder from the volumes table in the cinder
DB? Isn't it too crazy? That's something I could run with a cron job, and
even though is not really synced is good enough.
2014-09-17 17:41 GMT-03:00 Juan José Pavlik Salles <jjpavlik at gmail.com>:
> Has anybody tried HA-LVM? I run a few tests today and everything was ok,
> but I'm a bit concerned about scalability in this scenario
> 2014-09-16 16:42 GMT-03:00 Juan José Pavlik Salles <jjpavlik at gmail.com>:
> Now I get it, thanks. Neither the EMC nor the HP storages export through
>> NFS, at least not the versions we've got. So NFS it's not a possible option
>> here.
>> 2014-09-16 16:27 GMT-03:00 Abel Lopez <alopgeek at gmail.com>:
>> Yes, you can export your large luns from the EMC via NFS to both your
>>> cinder-volume servers. That way they both have access to everything. Of
>>> course, you’d need to ensure that cinder user has the same UID on both
>>> nodes, and both nodes need root permissions on the shares.
>>> Check out the docs
>>> http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide-cloud/content/nfs_backend.html
>>> On Sep 16, 2014, at 12:23 PM, Juan José Pavlik Salles <
>>> jjpavlik at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm not sure to be getting your idea here, how would you do it with NFS?
>>> Who would be the NFS exporting server?
>>> As you can see I don't have too much experience with cinder at all,
>>> we've been using the LVM driver since we installed it a year and a half ago.
>>> 2014-09-16 16:09 GMT-03:00 Abel Lopez <alopgeek at gmail.com>:
>>>> Some of your concerns might be addressed by switching to NFS as the
>>>> protocol.
>>>> You’re already exporting large luns to your cinder-volume servers,
>>>> using NFS they would both be writeable by both nodes, so if one goes down,
>>>> there is no need to “swing luns over”
>>>> On Sep 16, 2014, at 11:27 AM, Juan José Pavlik Salles <
>>>> jjpavlik at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Abel, I thought about trying it, but We had MANY performance
>>>> problems with the EMC because of running too many LUNs that's way we`d like
>>>> to avoid that scenario. It might seem the best solution but We don't want
>>>> to go that way again.
>>>> 2014-09-16 15:20 GMT-03:00 Abel Lopez <alopgeek at gmail.com>:
>>>>> Have you tried using the native Emc drivers? That way cinder only acts
>>>>> as a broker between your instances and the storage back end, and you don't
>>>>> need to worry about your cinder-volume service being HA. (As much)
>>>>> On Tuesday, September 16, 2014, Juan José Pavlik Salles <
>>>>> jjpavlik at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi guys, I'm trying to put some HA on our cinder service, we have the
>>>>>> next scenario:
>>>>>> -Real backends: EMC clarion (SATA drives) and HP Storevirtual P4000
>>>>>> (SAS drives), this two backends export 2 big LUNs to our (one and only
>>>>>> right now) cinder server.
>>>>>> -Once these big LUNs are imported in the cinder server, two different
>>>>>> VG are created for two different cinder LVM drivers (cinder-volumes-1 and
>>>>>> cinder-volumes-2). This way I have two different storage resources to give
>>>>>> to my tenants.
>>>>>> What I want is to deploy a second cinder server to act as failover of
>>>>>> the first one. Both servers are identical. So far I'm running a few tests
>>>>>> with isolated VMs.
>>>>>> -I installed corosync+pacemaker in 2 VMs, added a Virtual IP.
>>>>>> -Imported in the VMs a LUN with iSCSI created a VG
>>>>>> -Exported a LV with tgt. More or less the same scenario we have on
>>>>>> production.
>>>>>> If one of the VMs die the second one picks the virtual IP throughtout
>>>>>> tgt is exporting the LUN and the iSCSI session doesn't die, here you can
>>>>>> see part of the logs where the LUN is being imported:
>>>>>> Sep 16 14:29:50 borrar-nfs kernel: [86630.416160] connection1:0:
>>>>>> ping timeout of 5 secs expired, recv timeout 5, last rx 4316547395, last
>>>>>> ping 4316548646, now 4316549900
>>>>>> Sep 16 14:29:50 borrar-nfs kernel: [86630.418938] connection1:0:
>>>>>> detected conn error (1011)
>>>>>> Sep 16 14:29:51 borrar-nfs iscsid: Kernel reported iSCSI connection
>>>>>> 1:0 error (1011) state (3)
>>>>>> Sep 16 14:29:53 borrar-nfs iscsid: connection1:0 is operational after
>>>>>> recovery (1 attempts)
>>>>>> This test was really simple, just one 1GB LUN but it worked ok, even
>>>>>> when the failover was tested during a writing operation.
>>>>>> So it seems to be a good-so-far-solution, but there are a few things
>>>>>> that worries me a bit:
>>>>>> -Timeouts? How much time do I have to detect the problem and move the
>>>>>> IP to the new node before the iscsi connections die. I think I could play a
>>>>>> little bit with timeo.noop_out_timeout in iscsid.conf
>>>>>> -What if there was a write operation going on while a node failed,
>>>>>> what if this operation never reached the real backends, could I come across
>>>>>> some inconsistencies in the volume FS? Any recommendations?
>>>>>> -If I create a volume in cinder, the proper target file is created
>>>>>> in /var/lib/cinder/volumes/volue-* but, I need the file to be created in
>>>>>> both cinder nodes in case one of them fail. What would be a proper solution
>>>>>> for this? shared storage for the directory? SVN?
>>>>>> -Both servers should be running tgt at the same time or maybe I
>>>>>> should start tgt on the failover server once the virtual IP is changed?
>>>>>> Any comments or suggestions will be more than appreciated. Thanks!
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Pavlik Salles Juan José
>>>>>> Blog - http://viviendolared.blogspot.com
>>>> --
>>>> Pavlik Salles Juan José
>>>> Blog - http://viviendolared.blogspot.com
>>> --
>>> Pavlik Salles Juan José
>>> Blog - http://viviendolared.blogspot.com
>> --
>> Pavlik Salles Juan José
>> Blog - http://viviendolared.blogspot.com
> --
> Pavlik Salles Juan José
> Blog - http://viviendolared.blogspot.com
Pavlik Salles Juan José
Blog - http://viviendolared.blogspot.com
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