[Openstack-operators] ovs->ml2 migration issues during icehouse upgrade

Mathieu Gagné mgagne at iweb.com
Tue Jul 15 19:21:29 UTC 2014

Hi Robert,

On 2014-07-15 1:17 AM, Robert van Leeuwen wrote:
>> People thought: "This is wrong! I'm running ML2, it should read my
>> ml2_conf.ini!".
>> And they went ahead and created a bunch of symlinks from
>> Here is a related review in puppet-neutron:
>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/106144/
> Unless you are running RDO which starts the daemon with a hardcoded --configfile to ovs_neutron_plugin.ini
> As mentioned in the puppet review.

I tested with Ubuntu Cloud Archive and it is the same.

neutron-plugin-linuxbridge-agent is started with the options:

> Things might seem to work but not fully if you link to the old config file.
> Especially if you change settings compared to the defaults / old config file and you start wondering why it does not work ;)
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1087647

I read the bug report.

As you seem to have encountered this problem too, can you provide 
details about how you install OpenStack on RDO? Did you install and 
configure OpenStack with Packstack? What wasn't working? Which configs 
weren't read?

As you might already know, Packstack leverages puppet-neutron which I 
happen to maintain with other people on StackForge.

I suspect the bug is related to a misconfiguration done by 
puppet-neutron which will be fixed soon.

puppet-neutron wrongfully assumed that OVS mechanism/agent configs 
should be put in ml2_conf.ini when they should in fact be in ovs_conf.ini.

But as the agent only reads neutron.conf and ovs_conf.ini, people though 
it had to load ml2_conf.ini too ; all this because puppet-neutron used 
to put the OVS agent configs in the wrong config file.

Gael Chamoulaud	from RedHat and Lukas Bezdicka tested the proposed 
change in puppet-neutron against RHEL7 and RHEL6 respectively and it works.

In my eager to share my findings, I forgot to provide full details about 
my setup:

Neutron Controller:
- Runs neutron-server with ML2 core plugin.
- Create symlink from /etc/neutron/plugin.ini to 
- Configurations for ML2 in /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini

Compute Node:
- Runs neutron-plugin-linuxbridge-agent
- Configurations for Linux Bridge mechanism in 

No neutron-l3-agent or neutron-dhcp-agent as I mainly use provider 
networks. I happened to test vxlan tunneling and it works fine too with 
Linux Bridge mechanism.


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