[Openstack-operators] [openstack][neutron] problems accesing metadata on OVS VLAN mode (havana)

Alejandro Comisario alejandro.comisario at mercadolibre.com
Fri Nov 15 22:38:51 UTC 2013

Hi guys, we are deploying:

havana + OVS on vlan mode + neutron using this EXACT production schema :


Since we are using this schema, im gonna reffer about devices as they are
named in the picture.
When an instance gets created, the network defined uses the GW where the
vlan is created on a switch, so when the VM tries to access any other
network packets go through all the taps, and bridges inside de compute and
get to the default gw where it gets routed.

Regarding metadata, the instances cant access the metadata, so i issue the
regular DNAT iptables rule to be able to acces it :

iptables -t nat -A neutron-openvswi-PREROUTING  -d -p
tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination [CONTROLLER-IP]:8775

I see the original package exit the TAP, the DNATED package incoming the
qbrXXX but the package never hits the qvbXXXX interface and we dont have an
idea why, since it doesnt seems to be an iptables issue.

can anyone help me ?
* alejandrito @catintheroof*
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