[Openstack-operators] resizing an instance
Juan José Pavlik Salles
jjpavlik at gmail.com
Wed May 22 18:11:35 UTC 2013
Good to know! So, whether i use shared storage or not, i won't be able to
use live migration (a safe migration) with stable/grizzly (unless i apply
the patch Rafi mentions)?
2013/5/21 Joshua Harlow <harlowja at yahoo-inc.com>
> Thank Rafi,
> That is a pretty sad state of things. Hoping things get better (and
> simpler) in havana. Resizing now scares me more than it did.
> From: Rafi Khardalian <rafi at metacloud.com>
> Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 3:53 PM
> To: Joshua Harlow <harlowja at yahoo-inc.com>
> Cc: Ryan Lane <rlane at wikimedia.org>, Juan José Pavlik Salles <
> jjpavlik at gmail.com>, "openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org" <
> openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] resizing an instance
> Unfortunately resizes are much worse than what's being described here.
> Aside from the SSH, which we all agree has a number of associated
> problems, there are 3 separate image conversions which occur (assuming you
> are using raw backed qcow, which is the default). The first conversion
> flattens the image, eliminating the backing file. This occurs on the
> origin hypervisor, with the result being SCP'd to the destination. Once
> complete, the second conversion kicks off, which converts from qcow2 to
> raw. This is done in an attempt to resize the filesystem contained within
> the image. This resize will fail unless you're using AMIs, as there is no
> logic in place to resize images containing partitions. The third
> conversion occurs as the raw is converted back into qcow2.
> Until recently, there was absolutely nothing taking shared storage into
> account. In fact, if you are using shared storage, be absolutely certain
> to apply the patch associated with this bug (
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1177247). Otherwise, there are a
> number of cases where *you will lose data*. If you want to go a step
> further, you're welcome to apply my patch to make the entire process a lot
> more efficient (https://gist.github.com/rmk40/ab2c6f518a7a40a261af). The
> patch copies the disk file around untouched and relies on code introduced
> in Grizzly to repopulate the backing files on the destination via Glance.
> The good news is, we know how much work migrate/resize needs and are
> committed to fixing it in the Havana cycle. I haven't submitted the
> aforementioned patch for this very reason, we're overhauling the code path
> entirely. Nonetheless, Grizzly represents stable today, so if you're doing
> resizes on a regular basis, take a look at the patch. It has zero chance
> of going into stable/grizzly, because of the constraints around how the
> stable tree is managed.
> - Rafi
> On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 3:24 PM, Joshua Harlow <harlowja at yahoo-inc.com>wrote:
>> Hi Ryan,
>> Yes it is a little bit weird, I think the reasons its doing this is
>> likely due to it being the most generic solution to the resizing problem. I
>> believe there is a flag like 'resize_same_host' but I haven't used it that
>> might help.
>> I think your concern is valid though and could/should(?) be fixed.
>> You could imagine the scheduler 'preferring' the origin compute and the
>> origin compute node in this case doing a 'fast path' resize path that would
>> trigger the compute manager to just move some folders around (instead of
>> invoking the ssh sequence you talked about). This would seem to make sense
>> to me and would avoid the 'slow path' of actually moving the instance (and
>> disks and so on) to a new node since the origin node doesn't have enough
>> space/cpu/memory… That would make sense to me and likely with beefy enough
>> compute nodes the 'fast path' would be the common case.
>> -Josh
>> From: Ryan Lane <rlane at wikimedia.org>
>> Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 2:25 PM
>> To: Juan José Pavlik Salles <jjpavlik at gmail.com>
>> Cc: "openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org" <
>> openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org>
>> Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] resizing an instance
>> On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Juan José Pavlik Salles <
>> jjpavlik at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm not sure about your deployment, but i noticed that when i try to
>>> resize a vm nova also tries to move the vm to another compute-node, so if
>>> you don't have a shared storage for the VMs this is not possible (unless
>>> your compute-node can ssh to the other compute-node ofcourse). I found in
>>> my logs thigs like "*ssh root at node2 mkdir -p
>>> /var/lib/nova/instances/instances_dir"* when trying to resize a VM.
>>> Tomorrow i'll trying resizing with shared storage and i'll let you know.
>> Yes. This is the weirdest behavior. Why in the world is it necessary to
>> move the instance to another compute node just to do a resize? It requires
>> ssh between instances, makes the process *much* slower and also makes it
>> way more error prone. I don't get it. This seems like a really convoluted
>> way of handling resizes.
>> Is there some really great reasoning behind this?
>> - Ryan
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Pavlik Salles Juan José
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