[Openstack-operators] HA configuration in OpenStack

Jesse Pretorius jesse.pretorius at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 17:45:22 UTC 2013

On 4 June 2013 19:15, Jay Pipes <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:

> With the exception of Quantum l3-agent :( This is the main sticking point
> I have with deploying Quantum right now... vs. multihost nova-network.
> What this means in practical terms for us at AT&T is that we can use our
> F5s to spread load and manage active/active endpoints for everything
> (including our DB and MQ) -- except for Quantum. And that means exceptions
> in the Chef cookbooks. And deploying Pacemaker where we didn't need to
> deploy it previously. And exceptions in the deployment mean technical debt.
> And technical debt makes Jay a sad panda.
Quite. Although I do see that there are efforts underway to overcome this.

I am curious to hear about how everyone is deploying MySQL and RabbitMQ in
active/active environments. My experience so far with MySQL in a
multi-master configuration, but an active/passive usage, is less than
steller. I have to watch the sync like a hawk and implement a ton of
monitoring around that to be sure that it's not only actively working, but
that the tables on master and slave are actually like-for-like.

Without hijacking the thread - any tips? Is Galera clustering really that
much better?
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