[Openstack-operators] Advice on host dimensioning for Openstack installation

Alvise Dorigo alvise.dorigo at pd.infn.it
Sun Jun 2 15:30:20 UTC 2013

Dear forum members,
first of all forgive me if this is the wrong forum to post this question...

I'd need some hint on hardware dimensioning for the several openstack's 
components. In particular I'd like to install these components:

1. cloud controller (basic nova services + MySQL + Keystone + MQ, NO 
quantum but only nova-network for now)
2. marketplace (Glance) on a machine dedicated to distributed storage 
(like Gluster)
3. compute node(s)
4. (optional) block storage (swift)

AFAIK, the controller and the compute need 2 (fast) NICs.
The controller doesn't need too many CPUs and/or RAM and/or local disk.
The compute node(s) need(s) as many CPU and as much RAM as the number of 
VMs are supposed to run on.
The 'Gluster' machine need as much disk as needed by the VMs and by the 
number of virtual images.

Is there some more important detail I need to know in order to do a good 
design of my hardware topology ?

many thanks in advance,


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