[Openstack-operators] Operations use cases/pain points

Tim Bell Tim.Bell at cern.ch
Thu Nov 8 18:35:10 UTC 2012

The prioritisation/formulation is really important to avoid that we swamp
the development teams with complex/critical problems which may be vital to
one user but are less important to the rest of the user community.

There is also a need to aggregate items, where different users state the
same problem in different ways.

With the good start James has made, let's inventory the pain points as the
1st step...  before raising blueprints, we need to reflect, aggregate and
formulate our needs as a user community.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Still [mailto:michael.still at canonical.com]
> Sent: 08 November 2012 19:23
> To: James R Penick
> Cc: Tim Bell; openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] Operations use cases/pain points
> On 11/09/2012 03:44 AM, James R Penick wrote:
> > Excellent idea! I'll add severity to the wiki.
> I think this list is really good, but ultimately its going to need to turn
into a
> series of bugs (or blueprints for things which are more systemic). I'm not
> saying that operators need to fix those bugs, but its the best way to
> communicate with the developers.
> So, perhaps the wiki page is where things are incubated for a bit before
> turned into bugs / blueprints?
> Mikal

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