[Openstack-operators] swift client linux

John Mark Walker jwalker at gluster.com
Tue Sep 20 17:13:28 UTC 2011

I was just searching for the same thing. I did find this project: http://www.syncany.org/

After finally getting the early pre-alpha code to compile, it *seems* to work, from my limited testing.


From: openstack-operators-bounces at lists.openstack.org [openstack-operators-bounces at lists.openstack.org] on behalf of Sergio Ariel de la Campa Saiz [sacampa at gmv.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 8:03 AM
To: openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org
Subject: [Openstack-operators] swift client linux

Can somebody tell me a swift client for linux?? Something like Cyberduck but for linux.
Thanks a lot
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Sergio Ariel de la Campa Saiz
GMV-SES Infraestructura /
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