[OpenStack-Infra] Denver PTG May 2-4, 2019

Clark Boylan cboylan at sapwetik.org
Wed Jan 9 00:18:14 UTC 2019

Hello everyone,

As mentioned in today's IRC meeting we've been asked if we would like to attend the PTG as a team with a room. The next PTG occurs immediately after the Summit from May 2-4 in Denver.

I expect we'll be able to make use of time there to go over OpenDev and container related work items. The bigger question is whether enough of us plan to be there and if we expect we'll be able to make use of the time and not be zombies. In the meeting I got the sense that many of us do intend on being there and that for some the longer event helps to justify the distance of cost of travel (so that may be a good thing for some). As for general exhaustion it seemed that we won't know unless we try and if we end up being less productive than anticipated that is something we can learn from.

All that to say I got the sense I should request time at the PTG.

I'll leave this thread open for more feedback on the topic as we have until January 20 to fill out the form. I expect that I'll ask for 2 days with space for ~10 people (that may be high, but not dramatically so). As with the last PTG I expect we can try to push as much work as possible into IRC to help enable remote collaboration as well.

Let me know what you think unless everything above sounds great to you.


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