[OpenStack-Infra] opensource infra: server sizes

Clark Boylan cboylan at sapwetik.org
Mon Aug 12 16:47:47 UTC 2019

On Mon, Aug 12, 2019, at 9:43 AM, Shadi Akiki wrote:
> Hello. I've been going through the opensource infrastructure 
> configurations at https://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/
> and linked from https://opensourceinfra.org/
> I don't see any information about server sizes.
> Is this something that is not interesting to share as part of the 
> opensource infrastructure initiative?

Our test node sizing is documented here [0]. This has remained fairly static as we try to ensure the test sizes are small enough that developers have the opportunity to replicate results locally without needing a datacenter.

For the control plane those server sizes tend not to remain fixed over time as demand rises and falls. You can see a current snapshot of server sizing on our cacti server [1]. These values may change as we find the servers are too small or too big though.

[0] https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/testing.html
[1] http://cacti.openstack.org/cacti/graph_view.php

Hope this helps,

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