[OpenStack-Infra] Problems setting up my own OpenStack Infrastructure

Bernd Bausch berndbausch at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 06:54:54 UTC 2018

At least two places in the Infra documentation talk about setting up an
infrastructure at home:
- https://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/running-your-own.html and
https://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/puppet.html. Yes, it's
clearly marked as partially outdated.

I am trying to do that, with the purpose of learning and (perhaps, one
day...) later contributing to the project. My setup attempts fail in both
cases - the reason being that no hiera is set up.

For example, the first documentation page asks me to 
- clone system-config
- set up a local.pp, for example for an Etherpad server
- run install_puppet.sh and install_modules.sh
- apply the local.pp

I get:
> 2018-03-26 15:34:45 +0900 Puppet (err): Could not find data item
etherpad_ssl_cert_file_contents in any Hiera data file and no default
supplied at /opt/system-config/local.pp:3 on node puppetmaster.home.

The second set of instructions also fails because of the absence of a hiera.
I find no file on the system where etherpad_ssl_cert_file_contents is

So my questions are:
- am I supposed to create the hiera myself? If so, is there any help what
should go inside, and where is its normal location?
- or is one of the two install_* scripts supposed to do that but fails for
some reason? None of them contains the string "hiera".
- or is there something else I don't get?

My confusion may be caused by the fact that I started learning Puppet a few
days ago. Also, the Puppet version I have learned so far turns out to have a
different hiera syntax than the one used in openstack-infra.
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