[OpenStack-Infra] [jenkins-job-builder] When will jenkins-job-builder 2.0.0 be released?

Thanh Ha thanh.ha at linuxfoundation.org
Tue Oct 17 16:31:28 UTC 2017

Hi Artem,

The best thing you can probably help us out with right now is to test whats
in the master branch of JJB and try to identify any issues that you run
into and report back to us. This way we can hopefully find additional major
breaking issues (like the YAML parser issue) before a full release goes
out. In the meantime until the YAML parser issue is fixed I've been using
JJB with the YAML parser patch reverted on my own test system.



On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 12:13 PM, Artem Panchenko <artem at panchenko.email>

> Thank you, guys, for your replies and for providing so detailed
> information!
> >We've identified a bug in some of the changes we've landed
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-jjb/%23openstack-
> jjb.2017-10-06.log.html#t2017-10-06T14:06:18, and once we have a working
> fix we should be ready to release v2.
> Indeed, that bug sounds like a release blocker and IMHO it definitely
> can't go into 2.0.0 (we use a lot of macroses for JJB in the company I work
> for). Unfortunately, I don't think I can help contributing or reviewing the
> code (I'm not familiar with JJB internals), but I can do some testing of
> patches. So feel free to add me to your gerrit CRs if you think you need
> that!
> Regards,
> Artem
> 2017-10-17 18:20 GMT+03:00 Thanh Ha <thanh.ha at linuxfoundation.org>:
>> +1 to that.
>> My org is very much looking forward to the 2.0.0 release as we refuse to
>> use the master stream. I do think work needs to be done to fix the YAML
>> parser issue identified in the linked meeting and consider it blocking as
>> we use this feature heavily in our own instance.
>> It's been slow but we are pushing to get 2.0.0 out the door. Definitely
>> if you want to help move things along please join the weekly meeting.
>> Cheers,
>> Thanh
>> On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 9:39 AM, Darragh Bailey <daragh.bailey at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Artem,
>>> The delay has been caused by being consumed with other priorities. It's
>>> unfortunately, but it happens, of course any help around patch reviews and
>>> fixing up the patches in the backlog will help.
>>> If you'd like to drop into the irc chat #openstack-jjb on freenode room
>>> this Friday 17th @1400 UTC, there will be some discussion about v2 and
>>> what's left to be done. http://eavesdrop.openstack.org
>>> /#Jenkins_Job_Builder_Team_Meeting
>>> We've identified a bug in some of the changes we've landed
>>> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-jjb/%23o
>>> penstack-jjb.2017-10-06.log.html#t2017-10-06T14:06:18, and once we have
>>> a working fix we should be ready to release v2.
>>> As I'm heading to a python conference this weekend, I'm hoping there
>>> will be a hacking space and I'll try to solve both that bug and the concern
>>> around use of a global config object everywhere mentioned in
>>> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/jjb_api_v2.0
>>> Fingers crossed we should be able to get the v2 release out in the next
>>> month, any help that you can give would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> Darragh Bailey
>>> "Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"
>>> On 17 October 2017 at 11:04, Artem Panchenko <artem at panchenko.email>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi folks!
>>>> I wonder if there is a road map or some release schedule for
>>>> jenkins-job-builder project? Last time it was published on pypi/github more
>>>> than 6 months ago and that was the second beta of 2.0.0. AFAIU, OpenStack
>>>> infra doesn't use Jenkins anymore and doesn't invest into JJB development
>>>> (please correct me if I'm wrong). Though, I see that >150 changes have been
>>>> merged to master since that time, so the project is still maintained.
>>>> I'll appreciate If someone shares any details about when the next major
>>>> version release of JJB is going to happen.
>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>> ---
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Artem Panchenko
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