[OpenStack-Infra] On the subject of HTTP interfaces and Zuul

James E. Blair corvus at inaugust.com
Fri Jun 9 16:41:37 UTC 2017

Monty Taylor <mordred at inaugust.com> writes:

> We should use aiohttp with no extra REST framework.
> Meaning:
> - aiohttp serving REST and websocket streaming in a scale-out tier
> - talking RPC to the scheduler over gear or zk
> - possible in-process aiohttp endpoints for k8s style health endpoints


> Since we're starting fresh, I like the idea of a single API service
> that RPCs to zuul and nodepool, so I like the idea of using ZK for the
> RPC layer. BUT - using gear and adding just gear worker threads back
> to nodepol wouldn't be super-terrible maybe.

Thanks for the thoughtful analysis.  I think your argument is compelling
and I generally like the approach you suggest.

On the RPC front, how about we accept that, for the moment, the
webserver will need to consult ZK for collecting some information
(current nodepool label/image status), and use gear for other things
(querying zuul about build status)?

The rest of Zuul already uses both things, let's just have the webserver
do the same.  Eventually gear functions will be replaced with ZK.


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