[OpenStack-Infra] Opendayight Internship (Jenkins job builder) Week 6 status update July 3rd - July 9th 2017

Yolande Amate yolandeamate at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 22:23:55 UTC 2017


This past week I have done the following:

-Migrate cvs function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate svn function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate trigger_builds function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate bzr function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate _groovy_common_scriptSource function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate sauce_ondemand function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate logstash function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate pre_scm_buildstep function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate credentials_binding function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate custom_tools function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate release function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate docker_custom_build_env to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate build_keeper function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate timeout function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate workspace_cleanup function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate copy_to_slave function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate env_script function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate openstack function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate trigger_project function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate http_endpoint function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate class Flow to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate class Workflow to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate post_tasks function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate postbuildscript function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate valgrind function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate downstream_ext function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate cloudformation_stack function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate disable_failed_job function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate build_result function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate build_gerrit_triggers function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate class HipChat to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate multijob function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate conditional_step function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate maven_target function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate artifactory_maven function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate android_emulator function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate managed_script function to use convert_mapping_to_xml()
-Migrate ShiningPanda Plugin to use convert_mapping_to_xml()

This week, I plan to:

- Begin adding support for new plugins while finalizing updates for a
few plugins left.
- Respond to code review
- Do code review

Attached below is a link to my Jenkins job builder project proposal
document with a table of plugins(under activity details) that I have
worked on so far[1].



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